MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Handling users with obsolete email addresses
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An ongoing irritation for administrators with large numbers of users who move around a lot is that email addresses quickly go stale. (e.g. every time they change jobs, their corporate email address becomes defunct)

This is reflected in the large numbers of 'mail delivery failed' messages back to admin.

Can we have a way that users who have changed email addresses can be quickly tagged with a 'bouncing' flag, such that every time they log in, they are automatically prompted to supply a new address, and such that no further mail will be sent to them before the tag is cleared.  Ideally this flag could be toggled with the minimum number of mouse clicks by an admin needing to search for and process many bouncing users in one session.

This should instantly halt ALL mail, without the admin needing to search through and manually un-tick every subscription option and PM option, and other email generating plugin option etc in the user's profile, and so that once a new address is supplied, all the preferred settings are still in place for user once the flag is toggled back off.

Even better would be a way for the forum to act as a simple email client that can read and respond to bounce messages coming in to its own address by setting  that flag automatically - though this part I realize would be much harder.  Cherry on the top!
I'm thinking this is better off as a third party plugin.