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Full Version: Button to add pre-defined text into the body of the post
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Detailed description of your problem, including steps to reproduce if necessary: When a user goes to make a new post i want to have two buttons on the left that say "add this text to the post", and much like clicking a smiley face inserts that text into the post, i want my button to insert a bunch of lines of text.

after click the text would be placed in the window on the right (where I am typing this post right now) and user could then fill in their name, address, etc

URL to your forum/URL to specific problematic page:

New installation or upgrade (from which version of MyBB)?: MyBB 1.8.3

Test user account (if it requires additional permissions): Let me know if anyone needs this.

Screenshot or error text, verbatim: (see screenshots of desired results above)

Thanks SO much!
You'd need a plugin to achieve this functionality. Unfortunately one is not currently available on the Mods site. I will move this to Plugin Requests for you though.
Thanks DragonExpert. Any thoughts on how I can code this up myself? Was trying to follow these directions, but couldn't figure out. Anyone have any advice?