2015-03-22, 07:12 PM
Problem: Users and admin cannot change the theme. Drop down menu in UCP and ACP are both empty.
URL to your forum/URL to specific problematic page: http://portal.wolvenlore.com/usercp.php?action=options
New installation or upgrade (from which version of MyBB)?: 1.6.15
Screenshot or error text, verbatim:
I feel like there should be an option somewhere which is disabling users from changing skins. But it also affects the administrator panel, which is odd. The PHP is intact. I am wondering if there is a conflict in the javascript?
URL to your forum/URL to specific problematic page: http://portal.wolvenlore.com/usercp.php?action=options
New installation or upgrade (from which version of MyBB)?: 1.6.15
Screenshot or error text, verbatim:
I feel like there should be an option somewhere which is disabling users from changing skins. But it also affects the administrator panel, which is odd. The PHP is intact. I am wondering if there is a conflict in the javascript?