2015-04-01, 04:50 AM
Hai I have question about how to setup SMTP for zoho email.
I have set all the instrucstion https://www.zoho.com/mail/help/pop-access.html
But I still get this error
Old days, I never have problem with gmail.
But now I am trying to use customized email for domain from zoho.
Now, I cant send email. Need ur suggest please
I have set all the instrucstion https://www.zoho.com/mail/help/pop-access.html
But I still get this error
Quote:Unable to connect to the mail server with the given details. Reason: 110: Connection timed out
Old days, I never have problem with gmail.
But now I am trying to use customized email for domain from zoho.
Now, I cant send email. Need ur suggest please