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Full Version: I keep getting 1054 - SQL error
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I am getting this error.
"1054 - Unknown column 'groups' in 'where clause" In tons of pages. Like Creating a Post, A thread. Looking at a post, looking at a thread. In a lot of places. Of course the line changes depending on what page it is. They are all about missing columns in the SQL
I have ran the query
"ALTER TABLE (database_name) ADD (thingthatgoeshere) INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 " for different colums that are missing, and it works and all, but i dont want to through everypage and do this query for. I'm sure there is something wrong in the SQL. This errors happened after upgrading to 1.8.4 from 1.6.x
This error only happens when you are logged in.
My forum
How did you upgrade ?
I think you didn't follow the good way as explained at
(2015-04-04, 08:58 PM)Crazycat Wrote: [ -> ]How did you upgrade ?
I think you didn't follow the good way as explained at

i used softaculus. I didn't know it was bad to use it into afterwards.
i could reset everything if i needed to. I just want to keep users and every time I add the MySQL, it breaks everything again.

bump! still need help on this
You should always install/upgrade manually to avoid SQL errors and other bugs coming from automated scripts.
If I well remember, scriptaculous just updates the files, you have to run the upgrade script by yourself.
Revert your MySQL alters and run the http://<yourforumurl>/install/upgrade.php script