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I thought I would share this with the community since I've been messing around with the regex for setting it up.

What I simply wanted to create was a link to a wikipedia page on whatever subject was being discussed.  To do so required that I didn't write a static long URL but actually used a search string that when submitted to finds the right page or through the search heuristics, a similar match. 

The current version works quite well, although I'm sure there's a number of tweaks that could be done.

Title: Wikipedia entry
Short Desc: points a keyword at a wikipedia search, which if followed opens the wikipedia page if it exists. 
<nobr><strong><a href="$1&go=Go" rel="nofollow" title=" entry for $3" target="_blank">$3</a></strong><span style="font-size:0.6em;"> (</span></nobr>

example of how to use it:
[wiki=mozaic_(web_browser)]Mozaic Web Browser[/wiki]

The text in blue is for the URL friendly way of writing the keyword(s)
While the text in between the tags is the actual title for the link.

There is three substring outputs, from the example:
$3=Mozaic Web Browser;

The tag will only format if the blue entry contains alphanumeric characters with or without one pair of brackets around a "word".
(The regex attempts to stop searches that aren't formatted correctly, such as excluding spaces from submission or multiple pairs of brackets.)

The HTML code uses a <nobr> to keep the link and the small "(" tag from being split up when the line wordwraps in a forum.

Feel free to use in your own forum if you deem it safe enough (if you spot an error with it, please mention that here since it will likely help others as much as it would help me.)

On a slightly seperate subject, I found as extremely useful in working out the right Regex for handling what I wanted to do.
neat. I'm testing a wiki plugin for mybb with a dev. Toungue