2015-05-05, 06:40 PM
2015-05-05, 07:54 PM
ACP > Themes > Select your theme > global.css
Add a background like this
body {
Add a background like this
background-image: url('urllink.png');
2015-05-06, 05:54 AM
(2015-05-05, 07:54 PM)PhantomD Wrote: [ -> ]ACP > Themes > Select your theme > global.css
body {
Add a background like this
background-image: url('urllink.png'); can you help me with that,pls
(2015-05-05, 07:54 PM)PhantomD Wrote: [ -> ]ACP > Themes > Select your theme > global.css
body {
Add a background like this
background-image: url('urllink.png'); can you help me with that,pls
2015-05-06, 04:29 PM
background-image: url('urllink.png');
Inside the (""), just add a link to a wallpaper like this:
background-image: url("http://newartcolorz.com/images/hello-wallpapers/kartandtinki1_hello-wallpapers_01.jpg");
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/jadugnnt/