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Full Version: 1.8.4 to 1.8.5 (incl. template): admin CP: cannot login
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Quote:MyBB SQL Error
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column '2fasecret' in 'field list'
SELECT 2fasecret FROM forum_adminoptions WHERE uid='123'
Please contact the MyBB Group for technical support.

I am not using the default /admin/ folder for the control panel...

Any suggestions or solutions?? Smile

Cannot do much now :/

(2015-06-11, 04:45 PM)bitcoin Wrote: [ -> ]I am not using the default /admin/ folder for the control panel...

in that case, did you remember to upload the content of admin folder (of 1.8.5) to your custom folder...

and ran the upgrade script from
Yes I used the script : )

No, I did not remember to do that Smile I suppose my fake admin control panel is gone again? I'll see what some ftp'ing gives me...

Good tips! Thanks!!


PS: I do have 2FA authentication enabled for that user... So problem might be there too; but first your suggestions ; -)

yes. all working again Smile Thanks!! I'd rate you, but I still am not able to do so... Some strange bug I haven't figured out, sorry for that!

This is my error, after update.

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'authsecret' in 'field list'
SELECT authsecret FROM mybb_adminoptions WHERE uid='1'

and wont let me back off, of update

Thanks guys, alot of folks ticked off at me, any suggestions?

some of the pre story, i updated (FTP overlay) from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4 ofc error.. after i recovered (overlay back to 1.8.3) I saw 1.8.5. I thought ah, there was an error in the update.. overlay-ed 1.8.5 all was fine.. but now NO, no access to ACP, I IM'd a couple other admins maybe they can access lol

^ @sMoKin224 , upgrading was not completed fine. can you do it again
well on this, 3rd time is the charm.. should I overlay 1803 or 1805 Toungue
^ you have to upgrade to the latest available version 1.8.5 and remember running upgrade script (forumURL/install/upgrade.php)