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Full Version: [SOLVED] No outgoing mail - need help
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Greetings!  New to the forum here.  I was wondering if I missed something during the setup or domain setup (CNAME?) or what, but I've had trouble with e-mail being sent out.  I've tried to search the forum, and I've looked through the FAQ .  I got as far as the php test, and recieved "PHP could not send the mail."  I'm hosting the website off of Ubuntu Linux (Apache2) and the domain from GoDaddy.  The outgoing e-mail is local@webmaster I believe (Don't have it pulled up, don't remember where to pull it up), whatever the default value is.

So I'm pretty much clueless, I looked through the tutorials and FAQ and tried to search the forum but I haven't had much luck (with google either).

Edit:  Title more specific, and mentioning; yes I have checked my junk mail if the php test wasn't convincing enough  Wink
I'd suggest to have email ID associated with your domain name (eg. [email protected]) for using with forum.
or you may use a mail service like mailchimp & configure SMTP

admin panel >> configuration (settings) >> Mail Settings
I've tried changing both the localhost@webmaster to [email protected] and tried to set up Google SMTP.  No luck.  Not sure why it's not working.  Everything has the correct permissions on the VPS etc.

Any other suggestions?
have you checked system mail log - has it logged mail errors ?

forum admin panel >> Tools & Maintenance >> System Mail Log
Yes, there were errors.  

When I was trying PHP
Quote:MyBB was unable to send the email using the PHP mail() function.

when I was trying SMTP.
Quote:Unable to connect to the mail server with the given details. Reason: 0: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution

I have tripple checked the e-mail, password, tried both ports and both encryptions.

Edit:  Screenshot.
can you try mail settings suggested here
Hmmm.  Maybe it does work?  I had my friend register when SMTP was enabled and he never received an activation e-mail.  My way of testing the mail is by sending out a mass mail, set at instant send, and each of them say "Queued" which tells me it's having a problem resolving any sort of destination.


Edit: I tried to run the mass mail task manually through task manager, no cake, although it did say "Task run successfully" or something along those lines.

Edit2: Hold that thought. I believe I have to set up a mail service on my Ubuntu server. Will check back with results.

Edit3: And now my server isn't allowing me to install postfix. It will take me a while, but I may or may not be back soon. Hopefully with a [solved] edit.
Bump. Got postfix installed. PHP Mail worked. Thanks for the help <3