MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: CSS Ficons Prevent MyForumIcons from working
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The premium theme I just bought came with CSS forum icons. The theme itself is mainly made up of CSS.

I installed and activated the MyForumIcons plugin just like I have on my other themes. When this plugin is activated it's supposed to remove the forum icons already on the forum and replace them with ones that I upload to my server.

When I activate the plugin on this specific theme, it doesn't update the template set. Meaning - it doesn't remove the old CSS icons and allow me to replace them with new images. I know it's supposed to change in forumbit_depth2_forum and I did make the change to match the forumbit_depth2_forum of my old theme that it worked on, but it isn't on this new one.

It isn't a problem with the plugin - it's got to be an issue with the theme I'm using. If anyone can look around in my templates and spot the issue/fix it I will greatly appreciate it. This is the last problem I have with my forum and once it's fixed I can move on and be happily ever after.

Theme + Forum is on 1.8
The forumbit_depth2_forum template should contain:

id=\"mark_read_{\$forum['fid']}\" {\$forum['myforumicon_override']}></span>{\$forum['myforumicon']}

where the red parts are additions with respect to the original (default) template.

The plugin MyforumIcons is for 1.8 and this forum part is for 1.6. This can give some problems, also when your theme has made changes in the template forumbit_depth2_forum. Can you list here the forumbit_depth2_forum template for your theme when it's different from the default?