2015-07-18, 12:09 AM
I have a small problem with $db->update_query();
It looks like it doesn't work...
I want to be able to banish people by typing a command in the shoutbox (plugin: MyShoutbox 1.7)
/ban Nitrome
for exemple
Here is the piece of code that interests us
The problem is in the $db->update_query (and i'm shure of that), nothing happen, but I don't manage to correct it...
Thank you
I have a small problem with $db->update_query();
It looks like it doesn't work...
I want to be able to banish people by typing a command in the shoutbox (plugin: MyShoutbox 1.7)
/ban Nitrome
for exemple
Here is the piece of code that interests us
// verify if my message begin by "/ban" (the message is in $postData)
if ($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] == 1 && substr($postData, 0, 4) == '/ban') {
// i load the username in $pseudo[1]
preg_match('/\/ban\s{1,}([A-Za-z0-9]+)($)/i', $postData, $pseudo);
if (!empty($pseudo[1])) {
// the problem is here, when i update the usergroup
$db->update_query("users", array('usergroup' => 7), "username = '".$pseudo[1]."'");
// just a test to see if my preg_match work, it works well, the usernam is in $pseudo[1]
/* $db->insert_query('mysb_shouts', array('uid' => 29703, 'shout_msg' => 'pseudo[0]:'.$pseudo[0].' || pseudo[1]:'.$pseudo[1].' || pseudo[2]:'.$pseudo[2], 'shout_date' => time(), 'shout_ip' => get_ip())); */
The problem is in the $db->update_query (and i'm shure of that), nothing happen, but I don't manage to correct it...
Thank you