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Full Version: User close/lock own thread plugin
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Hi everyone

I see there is a plugin for MyBB 1.6 where a user can close his own thread. Could someone perhaps make the plugin compatible with 1.8.5 or write a new plugin that would allow a user to close his / her own thread?

Thanks  Big Grin
+1 Smile
(2015-08-01, 09:34 AM)Archangel777 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi everyone

I see there is a plugin for MyBB 1.6 where a user can close his own thread. Could someone perhaps make the plugin compatible with 1.8.5 or write a new plugin that would allow a user to close his / her own thread?

Thanks  Big Grin

Certainly it will help the Thread Starter but there should be a restriction.......if it's closed by a MOD/SUMO it should not be opened by the TS Smile
I had a quick look. I suppose you mean the plugin by Yaldaram.

I have no idea why it would not work for 1.8. Although playing around with buttons is always tricky. There is another problem, however.
In the plugin listing it says:

+ Free to Use
+ Free to Edit
+ But Not Allowed to distribute

Perhaps a technical staff member can tell us what "not allowed to distribute" means here.

Problem can also be that the last post of Yaldaram is from november last year, so it seems he is not active at the moment.

I will se whether I can find out what must be changed for 1.8.

As far as I can see you only have to change the compatability line into:

"compatibility" => "14*,16*,18*"

I checked it and it seems to work properly.

Hope others can also check it.
I understand there were some troubles with starting this plugin, which I did nor experience. The way settings were stored in the database was perhaps a bit questionable and can have triggered errors with php or mysql.

I changed that, but kept the remaining plugin original. Just try the attached, don't forget to install the "english" folder in the "images" folder.
(2015-08-05, 08:33 PM)Ad Bakker Wrote: [ -> ]I understand there were some troubles with starting this plugin, which I did nor experience. The way settings were stored in the database was perhaps a bit questionable and can have triggered errors with php or mysql.

I changed that, but kept the remaining plugin original. Just try the attached, don't forget to install the "english" folder in the "images" folder.

This plugin got a severe bug, suppose you set the permission for a group to close its own thread and open its own thread, it works. BUT after this when you go back to plugin settings and remove any one permission i.e to open or close own thread and if the user in that group has the copy of token he is still able to close or open his own thread inspite of not having the permission.

Anyhow i can easily fix this, if anyone need's a patch can PM me Smile
problem fixed.

(2016-03-23, 05:14 PM)Mostafa.Shiraali Wrote: [ -> ]problem fixed.

No longer working for me on 1.8.19

Test By Mybb 1.8.21
