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(2015-08-28, 11:12 AM)Leefish Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe its the screenshots being taken at different times, but I am baffled by the two views. In the "pc view" there is a last poster avatar and no thread starter avatar. No problem. In the second "phone view"  there is a different avatar? Is that the thread starter avatar or the last post avatar?

The latest post in the "thead" has a caret? is that to indicate more searching options? If I click on last post will it sort or do a dropdown?

Yeah, the hone screenshot was taken as I wrote this thread, the desktop one was taken from a blog post (which was a while ago). The avatars are the last poster's avatar. The caret is just to show that that's the current search order (the arrow points down, so it's sorted by last post, descending. If it pointer up, it would be ascending).

@niere8 The avatar for the starter user can be added by simply modifying the template - something like {{ render_avatar( }}. This will automatically create an image tag which links to the author's profile. It's not included in the template by default to reduce clutter, but it's extremely easy to add. This kind of thing will be documented far better for 2.0 hopefully (I know @Josh has some grand plans for documentation!).
(2015-08-28, 07:56 AM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, it's there simply for sorting purposes. I'm sure it can be cleaned up slightly somehow.

maybe stuff it in an extra sort options menu somewhere on forumdisplay.

something else that I think is pretty cool is showing the avatar of the last few people involved in a thread, similar to discourse.
You should try to add like
"36 Threads"
"341 Posts"
That does look kinda weird there, doesn't it?
I would suggest to remove it, since its obvious that its the start date.
The thing is that clicking on those headers changes the way things are sorted. It does look a bit odd as is, but I'm not sure what alternatives there would be whilst maintaining that functionality?
(2016-04-03, 01:08 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]The thing is that clicking on those headers changes the way things are sorted. It does look a bit odd as is, but I'm not sure what alternatives there would be whilst maintaining that functionality?

Maybe a simple icon to the right of "Topic title" with a menu, where users can sort the order of the threads? I don't know Toungue
(2016-04-03, 03:50 PM)eNvy Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-04-03, 01:08 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]The thing is that clicking on those headers changes the way things are sorted. It does look a bit odd as is, but I'm not sure what alternatives there would be whilst maintaining that functionality?

Maybe a simple icon to the right of "Topic title" with a menu, where users can sort the order of the threads? I don't know Toungue

Yep, these things are why I'm just a developer - I'd just lob in a select box somewhere. Justin tends to solve these kind of issues Wink
(2016-04-03, 01:08 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]The thing is that clicking on those headers changes the way things are sorted. It does look a bit odd as is, but I'm not sure what alternatives there would be whilst maintaining that functionality?

Put START DATE next to TOPIC TITLE (after a slash), so it looks like

(2016-04-03, 06:59 PM)Vanz Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-04-03, 01:08 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]The thing is that clicking on those headers changes the way things are sorted. It does look a bit odd as is, but I'm not sure what alternatives there would be whilst maintaining that functionality?

Put START DATE next to TOPIC TITLE (after a slash), so it looks like


For me (my own opinion and liking) it's better if all goes with the same flow, like in this picture:

[Image: fO4qZVw.png]

You have the Latest Post with a simple and nice arrow, pointing that is more there for you. Same thing can be applied in this case with the "Start date" option.

(2016-04-03, 06:43 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-04-03, 03:50 PM)eNvy Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-04-03, 01:08 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]The thing is that clicking on those headers changes the way things are sorted. It does look a bit odd as is, but I'm not sure what alternatives there would be whilst maintaining that functionality?

Maybe a simple icon to the right of "Topic title" with a menu, where users can sort the order of the threads? I don't know Toungue

Yep, these things are why I'm just a developer - I'd just lob in a select box somewhere. Justin tends to solve these kind of issues Wink

Well... I do the exact same thing if the design is for me, I tend to move things from one side to another or maybe just delete it, but if it's for others I can't do that haha.

If I remember correctly, in the mobile view the "Latest Post" is actually a dropdown with a choice of sorting methods. That may well work quite well on desktop too so long as it's clear that's the functionality.
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