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Full Version: Does anyone else see this spam? Lawl
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We also don't want to make it too difficult for users who may not speak English as a first language but who need support. That's what makes things extra difficult for us.
(2015-08-28, 07:54 AM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]We also don't want to make it too difficult for users who may not speak English as a first language but who need support. That's what makes things extra difficult for us.

What about something like "How many sections are there on the [Plugins]( doc page?" which would (likely) require human understanding. The answer, in this case, would be 4.
^ Yes like that

One of my questions was (I changed it a few months ago) 'what is the number you see in the site's logo?'
I think these kinds of questions can be more effective.
Why not do what phpBB area51 has for the registration? They require you to visit a specific forum topic (open for everyone to see) and state what the first word change was (in this case it could be the name of a plugin, or something where the topic simply says "Free never tasted so good").

On a sidenote, are these spammers coming from new IPv4 IPs or are they coming from IPv6 addresses?
(2015-08-29, 08:37 AM)KnownSyntax Wrote: [ -> ]Why not do what phpBB area51 has for the registration? They require you to visit a specific forum topic (open for everyone to see) and state what the first word change was (in this case it could be the name of a plugin, or something where the topic simply says "Free never tasted so good").
These spammers are clearly not the usual automatic bots spamming forums all around but likely humans which may solve that.
(2015-08-29, 08:37 AM)KnownSyntax Wrote: [ -> ]On a sidenote, are these spammers coming from new IPv4 IPs or are they coming from IPv6 addresses?
They are coming from IPv4 addresses from various ISPs.
Guys, these spammers are getting past noCaptcha in addition to security questions. The spam has also varied in a few ways that emulate human creativity, such as posting with white text, posting with smileys, etc. This, in addition to the variation in ISPs used makes them very difficult to block.

I might have to play with a small part of a spam heuristics system I was thinking about.
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