2015-09-26, 07:48 AM
Is there an easy way to use files insead of in-page variables for js?
Now, every page have 3kb of variables that user have to download on every page, though they are never changed. Not a big deal, but still, they should be included as a file wich can be cached, saving sweat kbs. Especially for non-english languages.
variables like this
May be there is easy way for this, without creating my own system or plugin.
Now, every page have 3kb of variables that user have to download on every page, though they are never changed. Not a big deal, but still, they should be included as a file wich can be cached, saving sweat kbs. Especially for non-english languages.
variables like this
Quote:lang.select2_match = "Доступен один результат, нажмите воод для его выбора";
lang.select2_matches = "Доступно {1} результатов, используйте стрелки вверх вних для навигации.";
lang.select2_nomatches = "Совпадений не найдено";
lang.select2_inputtooshort_single = "Пожалуста, введите один или более символов";
lang.select2_inputtooshort_plural = "Пожалуста, введите {1} или более символов";
May be there is easy way for this, without creating my own system or plugin.