2015-09-30, 02:41 AM
2015-09-30, 02:53 AM
Why don't you download your database, install xampp or similar soft, and install mybb on a localhost, then import your database and do all the tests you want?
2015-09-30, 02:56 AM
Edit: delayed response
along with MyBB files, database also needs to be copied and used by changing configuration settings.
instead, simple method is to install the theme on regular forum and make it available to administrators group only
after installing the theme, navigate to themes section at forum admin panel, click on newly installed theme,
scroll down for Edit Theme Properties and select Allowed User Groups , finally save theme properties
along with MyBB files, database also needs to be copied and used by changing configuration settings.
instead, simple method is to install the theme on regular forum and make it available to administrators group only
after installing the theme, navigate to themes section at forum admin panel, click on newly installed theme,
scroll down for Edit Theme Properties and select Allowed User Groups , finally save theme properties
2015-09-30, 04:46 AM
2015-09-30, 11:39 AM
(2015-09-30, 04:46 AM)Moises Wrote: [ -> ]Alright. I'll go over this and see how it goes.
One more thing, I was setting a custom reputation via PHPMyAdmin, but when someone reps me, it resets to 0? How do I maintain the reputation that I had and then go up/down from there?
MyBB recaculates your reputation when a new reputation is received, what you are updating is the cached value. You might be able to write a plugin which sets the base reputation for certain users. Are you familiar with the mybb hook system?
2015-09-30, 03:04 PM