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Full Version: eek i need help!
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i try to make my own theme but it keeps comin up with error.. i need to change the background image and i need to change the mybb image.. any 1 care to help me??

pls make it so its easy to read and not complicated if you do ty lol=]
If you want to change the logo replace the uploaded logo with your own.
how???? lmao im new at this =]
i hav this code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
- <theme name="CGC Ay Yýldýz V3" version="120">
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line-height: 1.4
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- <![CDATA[ #990000
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- <![CDATA[ 95%
- <extra>
- <![CDATA[ background: #FFFFFF url(images/ayyildizv3/bb.gif) top left repeat-x;
border: 1px solid #e4e4e4;
color: #000000;
margin: auto auto;
padding: 20px;
text-align: left; /* IE 5 fix */
- <content>
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- <![CDATA[ /* FIX: Make internet explorer wrap correctly */
width: auto !important;

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padding: 4px;
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padding: 8px;
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margin: auto auto;
border: 1px solid #0F5C8E;
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- <![CDATA[ #ffffff url(images/ayyildizv3/taltbas.gif) top left repeat-x
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padding: 6px;
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font-family: Verdana;
line-height: 1.4;
font-size: 13px;
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- <![CDATA[ black
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- <borderwidth>
- <![CDATA[ 1
- <extracss>
- <![CDATA[
- <templates>
- <template name="footer" version="120">
- <![CDATA[ <style type="text/css">
.style2 {font-size: 13px}
<br />
<div class="bottommenu">
<div align="center"><span class="smalltext"><a href="$settings[contactlink]">$lang->bottomlinks_contactus</a> | <a href="$settings[homeurl]">$settings[homename]</a> | <a href="#top">$lang->bottomlinks_returntop</a> | <a href="#content">$lang->bottomlinks_returncontent</a> | <a href="archive/index.php">$lang->bottomlinks_litemode</a> | <a href="$settings[bburl]/misc.php?action=syndication">$lang->bottomlinks_syndication</a></span>
<hr class="hidden" />
<div id="copyright">
<div id="debug"><debugstuff></div>
<strong><span class="style2">Tema : CGC AyYýldýz V3<br>
Yapým : <a href="" target="_blank">CGC TIM</a></span></strong><br>
$lang->powered_by <a href="" target="_blank">MyBB</a> $mybbversion<br />
$lang->copyright &copy; $copyyear <strong><a href="" target="_blank">MyBB Group</a></strong><br />
<br class="clear" />
- <template name="index" version="120">
- <![CDATA[ <html>
<table border="0" cellspacing="$theme[borderwidth]" cellpadding="$theme[tablespace]" class="tborder">
<td class="thead">
<div class="expcolimage"><a href="javascript:expandCollapse('boardstats');"><img src="$theme[imgdir]/collapse$collapsedimg[boardstats].gif" id="boardstats_collapseimg" border="0" alt="[-]" /></a></div>
<tbody style="$collapsed[boardstats_e]" id="boardstats_e">
<br />
<table border="0" cellspacing="$theme[borderwidth]" cellpadding="$theme[tablespace]" class="tborder">
<td class="trow1">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="left" valign="middle"><table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td valign="top" align="right">
<div align="center"><span class="smalltext">$logoutlink<a href="misc.php?action=markread">$lang->markread</a> | <a href="showteam.php">$lang->forumteam</a> | <a href="stats.php">$lang->forumstats</a></span>
<table width="665" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<td width="32"><img src="$theme[imgdir]/on.gif" alt="$lang->new_posts" /></td>
<td width="181" class="trow"><span class="smalltext">$lang->new_posts</span></td>
<td width="32" class="trow"><img src="$theme[imgdir]/off.gif" alt="$lang->no_new_posts" /></td>
<td width="184" class="trow"><span class="smalltext">$lang->no_new_posts</span></td>
<td width="32" class="trow"><img src="$theme[imgdir]/offlock.gif" alt="$lang->forum_locked" /></td>
<td width="180" class="trow"><span class="smalltext">$lang->forum_locked</span></td>
- <template name="index_loginform" version="120">
- <![CDATA[ <form action="member.php" method="post" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="do_login" />
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" width="100%" summary="sweetnothings_skin">
<td align="left">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="right">&nbsp;</td>
<table border="0" cellspacing="$theme[borderwidth]" cellpadding="$theme[tablespace]" class="tborder">
<tbody style="$collapsed[quicklogin_e]" id="quicklogin_e">
<td class="trow2" valign="middle" align="center" width="100%" height="30">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" align="center">
<td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<input type="text" name="username" title="$lang->login_username" value="$lang->login_username" onfocus="if(this.value=='$lang->login_username')this.value='';" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='$lang->login_username';" />
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<input type="password" name="password" title="$lang->login_password" value="$lang->login_password" onfocus="if(this.value=='$lang->login_password')this.value='';" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='$lang->login_password';" />
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" width="100%" summary="sweetnothings_skin">
<td align="right">&nbsp;</td>
</form><br />
- <template name="index_stats" version="120">
- <![CDATA[ <tr>
<td class="tcat"><strong>$lang->boardstats</strong></td>

<td class="trow1"><table width="100%" border="0">
<td width="5%"><img src="images/ayyildizv3/stats.gif"><span class="smalltext"></span></td>
<td width="95%" class="trow1"><span class="smalltext">
$lang->stats_posts_threads<br />
$lang->stats_numusers<br />
$lang->stats_newestuser<br />
- <template name="index_whosonline" version="120">
- <![CDATA[ <style type="text/css">
.style3 {
font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 15px;
.style5 {color: #FF3300}
.style6 {color: #66CC00}
.style7 {color: #333333}
.style8 {color: #666666}
.style9 {color: #440088}
<td class="tcat"><strong>$lang->whos_online</strong> [<a href="online.php">$lang->complete_list</a>]</td>
<td class="trow1"><span class="smalltext"><hr><div align="center"><span class="style3"><span class="style9">Admin</span> <span class="style5">&bull; Edit&ouml;r</span> <span class="style6">&bull; Moderat&ouml;r</span> <span class="style7">&bull; &Uuml;ye</span> <span class="style8">&bull; <s>Kovuldu</s></span></span></div><hr>$lang->online_note<br />$onlinemembers</span></td>
<td class="tcat"><strong>Bugünki Ziyaretçiler</strong></td>

<td class="trow1"><table width="100%" border="0">
<td width="4%"><img src="images/ayyildizv3/whos_online.gif"><span class="smalltext"></span></td>
<td width="96%" class="trow1"><SPAN class=smalltext>
- <template name="header" version="120">
- <![CDATA[ <div id="bayrak"><a href="link vermek isterseniz yazýn" target="_blank">Bayrak</a></div>
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
var cookieDomain = "$settings[cookiedomain]";
var cookiePath = "$settings[cookiepath]";
var quickdelete_confirm = "$lang->quickdelete_confirm";
var newpm_prompt = "$lang->newpm_prompt";
var deleteevent_confirm = "$lang->deleteevent_confirm";
var removeattach_confirm = "$lang->removeattach_confirm";
<a name="top"></a>
<div id="container">
<div id="header">
<div class="logo">
<div align="center"><a href="$settings[bburl]/index.php"><img src="$theme[logo]" alt="$settings[bbname]" border="0" /></a></div>
<hr class="hidden" /><br><table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td class="thead" align="center"><a href="$settings[bburl]/index.php"> <b> Ana Sayfa</b></a></td>
<td class="thead" align="center"><a href="$settings[bburl]/portal.php"> <b> Portal</b></a></td>
<td class="thead" align="center"><a href="$settings[bburl]/search.php"><b>Arama</b></a></td>
<td class="thead" align="center"><a href="$settings[bburl]/memberlist.php"><b>Üye Listesi</b></a></td>
<td class="thead" align="center"><a href="$settings[bburl]/calendar.php"><b>$lang->toplinks_calendar</b></a></td>
<td class="thead" align="center"> <a href="$settings[bburl]/misc.php?action=help"><b>$lang->toplinks_help</b></a></td>

<div id="panel">

<hr class="hidden" />
<br class="clear" />
<div id="content">

<br class="clear" />
- <template name="redirect" version="120">
- <![CDATA[ <html>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;URL=$url">
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<div style="margin: auto auto; width: $lang->redirect_width" align="center">
<table border="0" cellspacing="$theme[borderwidth]" cellpadding="$theme[tablespace]" class="tborder">
<td class="thead"><strong>$title</strong></td>
<td class="trow1" align="center"><br>
<center><img src="./images/ayyildizv3/yonlen.gif"></center><p>$message</p><br></td>
<td class="trow2" align="right"><a href="$url"><span class="smalltext">$lang->click_no_wait</span></a></td>
- <template name="postbit" version="120">
- <![CDATA[ <tr>
<td class="{$altbg}" width="155" valign="top" style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: center;"><a name="pid{$post['pid']}" id="pid{$post['pid']}"></a>
<td class="{$altbg}" width="100%" valign="top">
<table width="100%">
<tr><td>{$post['posturl']}{$post['icon']}<span class="smalltext"><strong> {$post['subject']}</strong></span>
<br />
<div id="pid_{$post['pid']}">
<div style="text-align: right; vertical-align: bottom;">
<td class="{$altbg}" height="18" style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: center;"><span class="smalltext">{$post['postdate']} {$post['posttime']}</span></td>
<td class="{$altbg}" width="100%" valign="middle" height="18">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr valign="bottom">
<td align="left" ><span class="smalltext">{$post['button_email']}{$post['button_pm']}{$post['button_www']}{$post['button_find']}</span></td>
<td align="right"><span class="smalltext">{$post['button_edit']}{$post['button_quickdelete']}{$post['button_quote']}{$post['button_multiquote']}{$post['button_report']}</span></td>
- <template name="postbit_author_user" version="120">
- <![CDATA[ <strong><span class="largetext">{$post['profilelink']}</span></strong><br />
<span class="smalltext">
{$post['usertitle']}<br />
{$post['groupimage']}<br />
{$post['useravatar']}<br /><fieldset><legend>Bilgiler</legend>
<div align="left"><b>{$lang->postbit_posts}</b> {$post['postnum']}<br />
<b>{$lang->postbit_group}</b> {$usergroup['title']}<br />
<b>{$lang->postbit_joined}</b> {$post['userregdate']}<br />
<b>{$lang->postbit_status}</b> {$post['onlinestatus']}</div>
</fieldset><fieldset><legend>Rep Gücü</legend>
<div align="left"><b>{$post['replink']}</b></div>
but how do i get it to work?
Lol don't edit the xml file. Do it from AdminCP and your good to go. I assume you know a little CSS
You use a FTP program like filezilla to upload the image to your themes image directory.

You can either name the image the same as your themes logo so that on upload it overwrites the current logo..., or you can go into your control panel and:

ACP>Themes>Modify / Delete

Ok then you should see a screen that has your theme name:

ie: CGC Ay Yýldýz V3

select your theme and then select -Edit Theme Style and press the go button.

Scroll down to a section called: Theme Options

Now look for:

Forum Logo
The URL of the image to display as the forum logo in this theme.

You can replace the info with the info to your new logo.

As far as the background..., that should be found either in:

Body (Customized in this style)Extra CSS Attributes

in a code something like:
text-align: center; /* IE 5 fix */
margin: 5px 10px 10px 10px;
padding: 0px;
line-height: 1.4;
background-image: url(images/themename/page_bg.gif); background-repeat: repeat; 

Or it may be found at the bottom of the page in a section called:

Additional CSS
Below you may enter additional CSS to be included with this theme.

and the background would most likely be in the body tag

for example something like:

body {
background: #FFFFFF;
background-image: url(images/themename/page_bg.gif); 
background-repeat: repeat; 
color : #000000;
margin : 4px;