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Full Version: Changed host, Problem with database
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Hello, I've recently changed the host I was using for mybb forums. I'm having trouble restoring my database through PhPMyAdmin. The database was backed up using the Export function of PhPMyAdmin in a gzip file. After setting up a new MySql server on the new host and trying to restore the backup using the Import function I get this error

-- Dumping data for table `mybb_datacache`

INSERT INTO `mybb_datacache` (`title`, `cache`) VALUES
('default_theme', 'a:7:{s:3:"tid";s:1:"3";s:4:"name";s:10:"revolution";s:3:"pid";s:1:"1";s:3:"def";s:1:"0";s:10:"properties";s:438:"a:8:{s:11:"templateset";i:2;s:11:"editortheme";s:8:"mybb.css";s:6:"imgdir";s:17:"images/revolution";s:4:"logo";s:26:"images/revolution/logo.png";s:10:"tablespace";i:5;s:11:"borderwidth";i:0;s:5:"color";N;s:9:"disporder";a:9:{s:10:"global.css";i:1;s:8:"css3.css";i:2;s:14:"revolution.css";i:3;s:8:"tabs.css";i:4;s:17:"thread_status.css";i:5;s:16:"star_ratings.css";i:6;s:10:"usercp.css";i:7;s:14:"showthread.css";i:8;s:9:"modcp.css";i:9;}}";s:11:"stylesheets";s:979:"a:8:{s:6:"global";a:1:{s:6:"global";a:4:{i:0;s:30:"cache/themes/theme3/global.css";i:1;s:28:"cache/themes/theme3/css3.css";i:2;s:34:"cache/themes/theme3/revolution.css";i:3;s:28:"cache/themes/theme3/tabs.css";}}s:16:"forumdisplay.php";a:1:{s:6:"global";a:2:{i:0;s:37:"cache/themes/theme3/thread_[...]
MySQL said: Documentation

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 9 

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.
Did your old host use the same version of MySQL as your new host?
The new db needs to have the same name as the old one. If not, dl the raw sql database file, open in a text editor, and edit the database name near the top to match the new database name, then try the import again.