MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Very slow PHP and DB processing
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I have like literaly the slowest forum in its area after i move my files to another hosting. and i need a help on this, why this takes too long to load. here, my debug information.

MyBB Debug Information

Page Generation

Page Generation Statistics
Page Generation Time: 18.95 seconds No. DB Queries: 55
PHP Processing Time: 7.255 seconds (38.29%) DB Processing Time: 11.695 seconds (61.71%)
Extensions Used: mysqli, xml Global.php Processing Time: 5.148 seconds
PHP Version: 5.4.45 Server Load: 3.53
GZip Encoding Status: Disabled No. Templates Used: 116 (108 Cached / 12 Manually Loaded)
Memory Usage: 7.75 MB (8126464 bytes) Memory Limit: 512M
Database Connections (1 Total)

[READ] [email protected] (Connected in 422 ms)

Database Queries (55 Total)

#1 - Select Query
SELECT title,cache FROM mybb_datacache
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_datacache ALL 39 
Query Time: 893 ms

#2 - Select Query
SELECT title,template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title IN ('' ,'index' ,'index_whosonline' ,'index_whosonline_memberbit' ,'forumbit_depth1_cat' ,'forumbit_depth2_cat' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum' ,'forumbit_depth1_forum_lastpost' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost' ,'forumbit_moderators' ,'index_birthdays_birthday' ,'index_birthdays' ,'index_logoutlink' ,'index_statspage' ,'index_stats' ,'forumbit_depth3' ,'forumbit_depth3_statusicon' ,'index_boardstats' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost_never' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum_viewers' ,'forumbit_moderators_group' ,'forumbit_moderators_user' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost_hidden' ,'forumbit_subforums' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum_unapproved_posts' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum_unapproved_threads' ,'as_header' ,'global_pm_switch_alert') AND sid IN ('-2','-1','') ORDER BY sid ASC
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates range sid sid 364 86 Using where
Query Time: 142 ms

#3 - Select Query
SELECT * FROM mybb_sessions WHERE sid='cbca13ae6d94c14d091eda6ed7deaf09' AND ip=X'adf53579'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_sessions const PRIMARY,ip PRIMARY 98 const 1 
Query Time: 145 ms

#4 - Select Query
SELECT u.*, f.* FROM mybb_users u LEFT JOIN mybb_userfields f ON (f.ufid=u.uid) WHERE u.uid='1' LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
u const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
f const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 146 ms

#5 - Write Query
UPDATE mybb_sessions SET `uid`='1', `time`=1454493516, `location`='/metaworld/index.php?debug=1', `useragent`='Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2', `location1`=0, `location2`=0, `nopermission`=0 WHERE sid='cbca13ae6d94c14d091eda6ed7deaf09'
Query Time: 150 ms

(Plugin Hook: global_start)
#6 - Select Query
SELECT * FROM mybb_announcement WHERE Global='1' AND Enabled='1' ORDER BY Sort
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables
Query Time: 141 ms

(Plugin Hook: global_start)
#7 - Select Query
SELECT * FROM mybb_alert_settings s LEFT JOIN mybb_alert_setting_values v ON ( = v.setting_id) WHERE v.user_id = 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
v ALL 306 Using where
s ALL PRIMARY 6 Using where; Using join buffer
Query Time: 142 ms

(Plugin Hook: global_start)
#8 - Select Query
SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM mybb_alerts WHERE uid = 1 AND unread = 1 AND (alert_type IN ('rep','pm','buddylist','quoted','post_threadauthor','mention') OR forced = 1)
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_alerts ALL 38 Using where
Query Time: 151 ms

#9 - Select Query
SELECT name, tid, properties, stylesheets, allowedgroups FROM mybb_themes WHERE tid = '2' LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_themes const PRIMARY PRIMARY 2 const 1 
Query Time: 241 ms

#10 - Select Query
SELECT title,template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title IN ('' ,'index' ,'index_whosonline' ,'index_whosonline_memberbit' ,'forumbit_depth1_cat' ,'forumbit_depth2_cat' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum' ,'forumbit_depth1_forum_lastpost' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost' ,'forumbit_moderators' ,'index_birthdays_birthday' ,'index_birthdays' ,'index_logoutlink' ,'index_statspage' ,'index_stats' ,'forumbit_depth3' ,'forumbit_depth3_statusicon' ,'index_boardstats' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost_never' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum_viewers' ,'forumbit_moderators_group' ,'forumbit_moderators_user' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost_hidden' ,'forumbit_subforums' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum_unapproved_posts' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum_unapproved_threads' ,'as_header' ,'global_pm_switch_alert' ,'prostats' ,'prostats_readstate_icon' ,'prostats_newmembers' ,'prostats_newmembers_row' ,'prostats_topposters' ,'prostats_topposters_row' ,'prostats_topthreadposters' ,'prostats_topthreadposters_row' ,'prostats_topreferrers' ,'prostats_topreferrers_row' ,'prostats_mostthanks' ,'prostats_mostthanks_row' ,'prostats_newestposts' ,'prostats_newestposts_row' ,'prostats_newestposts_specialchar' ,'prostats_mostreplies' ,'prostats_mostreplies_row' ,'prostats_mostviews' ,'prostats_mostviews_row' ,'prostats_topdownloads' ,'prostats_topdownloads_row' ,'prostats_mostreputation' ,'prostats_mostreputation_row' ,'prostats_message' ,'prostats_onerowextra' ,'prostats_tworowextra' ,'' ,'myalerts_headericon' ,'myalerts_popup_row' ,'myalerts_alert_row_no_alerts' ,'myalerts_popup_row_no_alerts' ,'headerinclude' ,'header' ,'footer' ,'gobutton' ,'htmldoctype' ,'header_welcomeblock_member' ,'header_welcomeblock_guest' ,'header_welcomeblock_member_admin' ,'global_pm_alert' ,'global_unreadreports' ,'error' ,'footer_languageselect_option' ,'footer_contactus' ,'global_pending_joinrequests' ,'global_awaiting_activation' ,'nav' ,'nav_sep' ,'nav_bit' ,'nav_sep_active' ,'nav_bit_active' ,'footer_languageselect' ,'footer_themeselect' ,'header_welcomeblock_member_moderator' ,'redirect' ,'header_menu_calendar' ,'nav_dropdown' ,'footer_themeselector' ,'task_image' ,'global_boardclosed_warning' ,'global_bannedwarning' ,'error_inline' ,'error_nopermission_loggedin' ,'error_nopermission' ,'debug_summary' ,'header_quicksearch' ,'header_menu_search' ,'header_menu_portal' ,'header_menu_memberlist' ,'usercp_themeselector_option' ,'smilie' ,'global_board_offline_modal' ,'video_dailymotion_embed' ,'video_facebook_embed' ,'video_liveleak_embed' ,'video_metacafe_embed' ,'video_myspacetv_embed' ,'video_veoh_embed' ,'video_vimeo_embed' ,'video_yahoo_embed' ,'video_youtube_embed') AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid ASC
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates ALL sid 1216 Using where; Using filesort
Query Time: 413 ms

#11 - Select Query
SELECT tid, name, pid, allowedgroups FROM mybb_themes WHERE pid!='0'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_themes ALL 4 Using where
Query Time: 245 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#12 - Select Query
SELECT * FROM mybb_announcement WHERE Global='' AND Enabled='1' ORDER BY Sort
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables
Query Time: 244 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#13 - Select Query
SELECT * FROM mybb_moderators WHERE ((id IN (4) AND isgroup='1') OR (id='1' AND isgroup='0'))
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables
Query Time: 242 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#14 - Select Query
SELECT t.subject,t.username,t.uid,t.tid,t.fid,t.lastpost,t.lastposter,t.lastposteruid,t.replies,t.visible,tr.uid AS truid,tr.dateline,tp.displaystyle AS styledprefix, FROM mybb_threads t LEFT JOIN mybb_threadsread tr ON (tr.tid=t.tid AND tr.uid='1') LEFT JOIN mybb_threadprefixes tp ON ( = t.prefix) LEFT JOIN mybb_forums f ON (f.fid = t.fid) WHERE (t.visible = '1' OR '1'='1' ) AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND t.visible != '-2' AND = '1' ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT 0,11
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
tp system PRIMARY 0 const row not found
t ALL fid 63 Using where; Using filesort
f eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 2 metaworld.t.fid 1 Using where
tr eq_ref tid tid 8 metaworld.t.tid,const 1 
Query Time: 243 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#15 - Select Query
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='prostats_newestposts_head_latest_posts' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates range sid sid 364 3 Using where
Query Time: 246 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#16 - Select Query
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='prostats_newestposts_head_date' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates range sid sid 364 4 Using where
Query Time: 246 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#17 - Select Query
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='prostats_newestposts_head_starter' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates range sid sid 364 4 Using where
Query Time: 210 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#18 - Select Query
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='prostats_newestposts_head_last_sender' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates range sid sid 364 4 Using where
Query Time: 216 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#19 - Select Query
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='prostats_newestposts_head_forum' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates range sid sid 364 3 Using where
Query Time: 161 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#20 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '17'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 243 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#21 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '3'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 156 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#22 - Select Query
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='prostats_newestposts_latest_posts' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates range sid sid 364 4 Using where
Query Time: 244 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#23 - Select Query
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='prostats_newestposts_date' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates range sid sid 364 3 Using where
Query Time: 141 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#24 - Select Query
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='prostats_newestposts_starter' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates range sid sid 364 4 Using where
Query Time: 143 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#25 - Select Query
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='prostats_newestposts_last_sender' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates range sid sid 364 3 Using where
Query Time: 244 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#26 - Select Query
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='prostats_newestposts_forum' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates range sid sid 364 4 Using where
Query Time: 141 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#27 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '17'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 145 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#28 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '55'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 141 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#29 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '77'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 142 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#30 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '49'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 145 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#31 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '5'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 143 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#32 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '1'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 144 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#33 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '6'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 242 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#34 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '77'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 243 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#35 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '5'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 242 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#36 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '71'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 242 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#37 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '74'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 243 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#38 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '71'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 243 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#39 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '5'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 175 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#40 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '71'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 154 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#41 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '17'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 141 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#42 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '50'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 151 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#43 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '1'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 144 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#44 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '1'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 140 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#45 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '69'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 145 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#46 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '5'
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 
Query Time: 248 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#47 - Select Query
SELECT username,postnum,uid,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users ORDER BY postnum DESC LIMIT 0,12
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users ALL 77 Using filesort
Query Time: 243 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#48 - Select Query
SELECT s.sid, s.ip, s.time, s.location, u.uid, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup FROM mybb_users u LEFT JOIN mybb_sessions s ON (u.uid=s.uid) WHERE u.lastactive > 1454407133 ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.time DESC
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
u ALL 77 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
s ref uid uid 4 metaworld.u.uid 6 
Query Time: 199 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#49 - Select Query
SELECT s.sid, s.ip, s.uid, s.time, s.location, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup FROM mybb_sessions s LEFT JOIN mybb_users u ON (s.uid=u.uid) WHERE s.time>'1454407133' ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.time DESC
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
s ALL time 81 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
u eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 metaworld.s.uid 1 
Query Time: 246 ms

(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#50 - Select Query
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='online_today_index' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates range sid sid 364 4 Using where
Query Time: 147 ms

#51 - Select Query
SELECT s.sid, s.ip, s.uid, s.time, s.location, s.location1, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup FROM mybb_sessions s LEFT JOIN mybb_users u ON (s.uid=u.uid) WHERE s.time > '1454492616' ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.time DESC
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
s range time time 4 6 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
u eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 metaworld.s.uid 1 
Query Time: 156 ms

#52 - Select Query
SELECT f.*, fr.dateline AS lastread FROM mybb_forums f LEFT JOIN mybb_forumsread fr ON (fr.fid = f.fid AND fr.uid = '1') WHERE != 0 ORDER BY pid, disporder
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
f ALL 76 Using where; Using filesort
fr eq_ref fid fid 8 metaworld.f.fid,const 1 
Query Time: 248 ms

(Plugin Hook: pre_output_page)
#53 - Select Query
SELECT a.*, u.uid, u.username, u.avatar, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup FROM mybb_alerts a INNER JOIN mybb_users u ON (a.from_id = u.uid) WHERE a.uid = 1 AND (alert_type IN ('rep','pm','buddylist','quoted','post_threadauthor','mention') OR a.forced = 1) ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0, 5;
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
a ALL 38 Using where; Using filesort
u eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 metaworld.a.from_id 1 Using where
Query Time: 175 ms

#54 - Select Query
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='myalerts_alert_row_popup' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_templates range sid sid 364 3 Using where
Query Time: 162 ms

#55 - Select Query
SELECT uid, username, usergroup, displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid IN (15,1,6,49,71,58,5,2,3,38)
Table Type Possible Keys Key Key Length Ref Rows Extra
mybb_users range PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 10 Using where
Query Time: 155 ms

Template Statistics

Templates Used (Loaded for this Page) - 116 Total
forumbit_depth1_cat, forumbit_depth1_forum_lastpost, forumbit_depth2_cat, forumbit_depth2_forum, forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost, forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost_hidden, forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost_never, forumbit_depth2_forum_unapproved_posts, forumbit_depth2_forum_unapproved_threads, forumbit_depth2_forum_viewers, forumbit_depth3, forumbit_depth3_statusicon, forumbit_moderators, forumbit_moderators_group, forumbit_moderators_user, forumbit_subforums, index, index_birthdays, index_birthdays_birthday, index_boardstats, index_logoutlink, index_stats, index_statspage, index_whosonline, index_whosonline_memberbit, as_header, global_pm_switch_alert, error, error_inline, error_nopermission, error_nopermission_loggedin, footer, footer_contactus, footer_languageselect, footer_languageselect_option, footer_themeselect, footer_themeselector, global_bannedwarning, global_boardclosed_warning, global_pending_joinrequests, global_pm_alert, global_unreadreports, global_awaiting_activation, header, header_menu_calendar, header_menu_memberlist, header_menu_portal, header_menu_search, header_quicksearch, header_welcomeblock_guest, header_welcomeblock_member, header_welcomeblock_member_admin, header_welcomeblock_member_moderator, nav, nav_bit, nav_bit_active, nav_dropdown, nav_sep, nav_sep_active, usercp_themeselector_option, video_metacafe_embed, video_dailymotion_embed, video_facebook_embed, video_liveleak_embed, video_myspacetv_embed, video_youtube_embed, video_veoh_embed, video_vimeo_embed, video_yahoo_embed, debug_summary, gobutton, headerinclude, htmldoctype, redirect, task_image, smilie, myalerts_headericon, myalerts_alert_row_no_alerts, prostats, prostats_readstate_icon, prostats_newestposts, prostats_newestposts_row, prostats_newestposts_specialchar, prostats_mostreplies, prostats_mostreplies_row, prostats_mostreputation, prostats_mostreputation_row, prostats_mostthanks, prostats_mostthanks_row, prostats_mostviews, prostats_mostviews_row, prostats_newmembers, prostats_newmembers_row, prostats_topdownloads, prostats_topdownloads_row, prostats_topposters, prostats_topposters_row, prostats_topthreadposters, prostats_topthreadposters_row, prostats_topreferrers, prostats_topreferrers_row, prostats_message, prostats_onerowextra, prostats_tworowextra, prostats_newestposts_head_latest_posts, prostats_newestposts_head_date, prostats_newestposts_head_starter, prostats_newestposts_head_last_sender, prostats_newestposts_head_forum, prostats_newestposts_latest_posts, prostats_newestposts_date, prostats_newestposts_starter, prostats_newestposts_last_sender, prostats_newestposts_forum, online_today_index, myalerts_alert_row_popup

Templates Requiring Additional Calls (Not Cached at Startup) - 12 Total
prostats_newestposts_head_latest_posts, prostats_newestposts_head_date, prostats_newestposts_head_starter, prostats_newestposts_head_last_sender, prostats_newestposts_head_forum, prostats_newestposts_latest_posts, prostats_newestposts_date, prostats_newestposts_starter, prostats_newestposts_last_sender, prostats_newestposts_forum, online_today_index, myalerts_alert_row_popup
If you use MyBB 1.8.6 - it is a known problem which will be fixed in MyBB 1.8.7 release. There is a temporal fix
but i already had these before the update. i dont know but it takes forever to load the page which can be annoying. isnt there a way to speed things up ?
Who is your host? Some of those queries are pretty slow compared to what I'm used to seeing. Prostats also is loading a lot of templates that aren't cached, so disabling that plugin should help performance quite a bit.
disabling prostats helps but its still slow anyway.
im using godaddy.
Disable the plugin that generates lots of
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '71'
queries. Probably yet another incorrect use of get_user()