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Full Version: See total rating and who gave wich rating + add more options to first post (category)
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I need a mod where you can see wich person gave wich rating for the topic (or first post). Does a mod like that exist?

And is it possible to add a special option to the first post like to select a category?

The rating system can also be made to give a rating about e.g. a car.  Example:

Title: Opel astra station car
Category: -familycar-SUV-sportscar etc.. So you can select (just first post)
And a total rating:
Tires:             ***
Exhaust:         *****
Engine:           ******
So an user (every post exept the first) can give a rating you can see in there own post and a total rating you can see in the first post.

Is there something like this? Does it already exist?
I've looked but cant find it.
I hope someone can help me or give a comment.

Greetz rutje1
(It need to be ready for updates, so you can update the forum without problems)