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Full Version: Put multiple usergroups on 1 line
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Rather than the group images appearing as: 

I am wanting them side by side:  Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy

{$post['additional_images']} is what I need to change but I can't figure out how to find what where it is defining how they are displayed.

Using this plugin:

Thanks in advance Smile
Open the plugin PHP file and remove </br> after the PHP echos the images.
Well, it's a premium theme so you should ask the original author for help/support... unless you are using a ripped theme. You have also removed the authors` copyright as it seems.  Big Grin
you can buy majestic copyright, not sure if OP brought it tho.

myskins Wrote:The price of the theme is $20 for a single copy.
Copyright Removal is $30 Extra which is optional.