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Full Version: Facebook's New Likes system
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Facebook's New Likes system makes use of javascript popups to add posticon types of images to likes/dislikes

Would we like that in version 2?
I wouldn't personally - it seems like needless complexity to me. If you've got some kind of worthy reaction, you may as well write a post (other than "+1" or "me too" - both of which are achieved with a Like). There's a plugin for XenForo that adds something similar to Facebook's new system, so perhaps it could be added as a plugin to MyBB 2.0 too?
I'd agree. if mybb 2.0 is modeled exactly how facebook is, why use mybb at all?
this is better off as a plugin imo.
I'd like this feature as a plugin.
Yeah, I'd keep this as a plugin.
As a plugin. This system is BS tho
XF has it as addon. I guess 1.8 has one as well.