So I'd want to have a plugin to change the hue and saturation for the current userbar a user is wearing in the usercp. But instead I thought if I can just make a custom grayscale for specific people instead, don't really know much about html / css so I couldn't possibly do this on my own.
Default look:
Grayscale look:
Anything that allows me to change the coloring of a userbar/userstar hue I would love to know and find out how I can do that!
<span style="-webkit-filter: saturate(0)">Userbar and userstar variable</span>
Im assuming you also know how to use the php if conditionals plugin as well
(2016-03-08, 06:14 AM)Aiko Wrote: [ -> ]<span style="-webkit-filter: saturate(0)">Userbar and userstar variable</span>
Im assuming you also know how to use the php if conditionals plugin as well
Sorry I'm like legit new with all of this, basically going off instinct with everything and basic tutorials on forums and from friends.

find {$userstars} and {$groupimage} in your templates. add <span style="-webkit-filter: saturate(0)"> before it and then </span> right after.
<span style="-webkit-filter: saturate(0)">{$groupimage}</span>
Please also go to w3schools to learn more about HTML and CSS
(2016-03-08, 06:37 AM)Aiko Wrote: [ -> ]find {$userstars} and {$groupimage} in your templates. add <span style="-webkit-filter: saturate(0)"> before it and then </span> right after.
<span style="-webkit-filter: saturate(0)">{$groupimage}</span>
Please also go to w3schools to learn more about HTML and CSS
Started learning but also how would that work for specific UID's though?
<if $post['uid'] == uid then>stuff here for the UID you specified<else>normal stuff</if>
Got a plugin to change usergroup sat and hue, thanks for the help though guys.