MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Some features/suggestions
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As I am a huge mybb fan, I would like Mybb 2.0 to have the following things:
1) A new user profile layout, with the option for the user to add a background to his profile;
2) Add a shop system to mybb, so that we can sell stuff on our website;
3) Add an option to login in the website, using a social network account, for an example, steam;
4) Add a tool that allows site managers to create new custom pages, according to their needs;
5) A support thread system, to allow users to contact a support team;
6) Add a setting that makes it so that an administrator with access to ACP needs to enter his password while changing important settings on the website;
7) A chat page, where users can discuss different matters.
Apart from this I think mybb is a really good forum system and as I told before, theseĀ are just suggestions.
Thank you,

  1. Everything is being redesigned so the user page will look different, I think a cover photo feature is best left to a plugin (forums aren't social networks).
  2. Not every site will need this and MyBB isn't ecommerce software so it is best left as a plugin. To be honest I wouldn't host payment software myself, I would outsource it to a ecommerce provider.
  3. There will no doubt be plugins for this, it has also been requested a lot of times. I can't recall if it has been announced that MyBB 2.0 will have this in the core. I'm neither here no there on this suggestion though.
  4. I'm sure with the template engine and power of Laravel that it would be rather simple to allow admins to add their own pages. Mind you I can't be certain!
  5. There is currently the MySupport plugin which I'm sure will be updated for 2.0 (as the MyBB Community Forums use it). Again, not every forum needs it so best suited as a plugin.
  6. The admin has to enter their password for each session in the Admin CP so I don't think this is a necessity. What settings do you think this extra confirmation should be for? Possibly accessing backups and PHP info...

Great to know you love MyBB! I'm sure most of what you've suggested will crop up, either in the coreĀ or as a plugin.

Please read this thread which is stuck to the top of this forum:

We don't like to have threads with multiple suggestions as it makes organizing and tracking them much more difficult. Also, a few of your suggestions have already been suggested before. Here's a quick rundown:

1. As JordanMussi said, the whole theme is being redesigned including user profiles. The ability to add backgrounds/cover images is better off as a plugin in my opinion.
2. Not in the core. MyBB is a forum system, not an eCommerce system. This is better off as a plugin or integration.
3. This is a planned feature, though I can't say whether Steam will be a supported provider out of the box. At minimum Twitter, Facebook and Google will be supported.
5. Not in the core. This will likely be an official plugin as we would make use of it here. Not all forums need to provide support though.
6. I'm not sure why this would be needed?
7. Not in the core. AGain, MyBB is a forum system not a chat system. This is better off as a plugin or integration.