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I feel kinda cheeky posting this here as it isn't actually a MyBB mod, but I was just wondering if someone would look over this code and tell me if it is secure against SQL Exploits.

Basically, input from $_POST or $_GET is run through this function before it is put in the database (most of this was taken from the PHP website):
function MakeSafe($string, $dbcon)
		// Get rid of HTML
		$string = htmlentities($string);
		// Reverse magic_quotes_gpc/magic_quotes_sybase effects on those vars if ON.
        if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
            if(ini_get('magic_quotes_sybase')) {
                $string = str_replace("''", "'", $string);
            } else {
                $string = stripslashes($string);

        // Make a safe string
        $string = mysql_real_escape_string($string, $dbcon);
		return $string;

And then when the database is queried for content, the content it returns it run through this function:
function MakeReadable($string)
		$string = stripslashes($string);
		// Fix anything that htmlentities broke
		$str = array("£");
		$rep = array("£");
		$string = str_replace($str, $rep, $string);
		return $string;

The content is the printed to the screen.

MyBB doesn't show the stuff in the str_replace arrays correctly, $str should be array("& Acirc;& pound;") (without spaces) and $rep should be array("& pound;"); (once again without the space).