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Full Version: SQL Error: 1054 - Unknown column 'canmanageannounce' in 'field list'
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Hey all,
I was recently on 16.18 with a nice theme, but found a nicer one but it was for 1.8, so I decided to upgrade. The upgrade completed successfully and we messed with the theme, and started using a steam logon plugin (which I fear may be the issue - because if you add a steam registered user to a group, you need to set their password in ACP and then they can login with the 64steamID - which is dodgy af) and a few things broke because we didn't have its accompanying plugin, but we found that and fixed it up. It seemed to work fine so I deleted all of our legacy users.

I then had a look in plugins and a lot were from 1.8 already but I just cracked them open and change the 18* to 16* thing. Seemed to work for most newer plugins so I was happy, then I thought I might need to reactivate some or uninstall.. and I went into ACP to edit a group and saw there were two sections under the M (doubling some perms) and I can't remember if I saved it and it worked now but I deactivated, reactivated, changed the 18* thing, tried my best to remove the files.. and now every time I go to save a user in ACP it gives me something like this:

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'canmanageannounce' in 'field list'
UPDATE mybbb_usergroups SET `type`=1, `title`='Admin', `description`='The group all administrators belong to.', `namestyle`='<span style=\"color: #33CD61;background:url(;\"><strong>{username}</strong></span>', `usertitle`='Administrator', `stars`=6, `starimage`='images/star.png', `image`='', `isbannedgroup`=0, `canview`=1, `canviewthreads`=1, `canviewprofiles`=1, `candlattachments`=1, `canviewboardclosed`=0, `canpostthreads`=1, `canpostreplys`=1, `canpostattachments`=1, `canratethreads`=1, `modposts`=0, `modthreads`=0, `mod_edit_posts`=0, `modattachments`=0, `caneditposts`=1, `candeleteposts`=1, `candeletethreads`=1, `caneditattachments`=1, `canpostpolls`=1, `canvotepolls`=1, `canundovotes`=1, `canusepms`=1, `cansendpms`=1, `cantrackpms`=1, `candenypmreceipts`=1, `pmquota`=0, `maxpmrecipients`=0, `cansendemail`=1, `cansendemailoverride`=0, `maxemails`=0, `emailfloodtime`=5, `canviewmemberlist`=1, `canviewcalendar`=1, `canaddevents`=1, `canbypasseventmod`=1, `canmoderateevents`=1, `canviewonline`=1, `canviewwolinvis`=0, `canviewonlineips`=0, `cancp`=0, `issupermod`=1, `cansearch`=1, `canusercp`=1, `canuploadavatars`=1, `canchangename`=1, `canbereported`=0, `canchangewebsite`=1, `showforumteam`=1, `usereputationsystem`=1, `cangivereputations`=1, `candeletereputations`=0, `reputationpower`=1, `maxreputationsday`=0, `maxreputationsperuser`=0, `maxreputationsperthread`=0, `attachquota`=0, `cancustomtitle`=1, `canwarnusers`=1, `canreceivewarnings`=1, `maxwarningsday`=0, `canmodcp`=1, `showinbirthdaylist`=1, `canoverridepm`=1, `canusesig`=1, `canusesigxposts`=0, `signofollow`=0, `edittimelimit`=0, `maxposts`=0, `showmemberlist`=1, `canmanageannounce`=0, `canmanagemodqueue`=1, `canmanagereportedcontent`=1, `canviewmodlogs`=0, `caneditprofiles`=0, `canbanusers`=0, `canviewwarnlogs`=0, `canuseipsearch`=0 WHERE gid='4'

I got the addon from:
I did try to go through and remove the files that were uploaded.

Ok so when I was going through trying to delete stuff for this addon, I found some shady modcp thing in languages. After readding this plugin (in attempts to kill it) the ACP/Plugins said something about the missing lang file - and taking the time to read it, I realised it was from another plugin.
So I removed that one from /plugins and it was fine. Then I deactivate the ModCP permissions one again and it breaks orange when I set mod perms.

If I leave it deactivated its fine.
Try a fresh install and use the plugin, it should resolve the issue.