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Full Version: So how do I remove this error?
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When this error was created

MySQL error: 1054
Unknown column 'tid' in 'where clause'
Query: SELECT * FROM mybb_pollvotes WHERE tid = '1051'

It created a thread does not exist message when entering into the post. How can I delete that thread. Do any of the update tools correct this?

I also asked how to correct this before Toungue
run this query from phpMyAdmin: DELETE FROM mybb_threads WHERE tid = '1051' LIMIT 1; DELETE FROM mybb_posts WHERE tid = '1051' LIMIT 1; DELETE FROM mybb_polls WHERE tid = '1051' LIMIT 1
Is there supposed to be a ; after this

DELETE FROM mybb_polls WHERE tid = '1051' LIMIT 1

The query didn't work! It's still there O.o

[centerst_stagem] DELETE FROM mybb_threads WHERE tid = '1051' LIMIT 1;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). DELETE FROM mybb_posts WHERE tid = '1051' LIMIT 1;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). DELETE FROM mybb_polls WHERE tid = '1051' LIMIT 1# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). 
and what did phpMyAdmin say? Any errors?
modified the post above to include the error

Now i have the problem in 2 forums with the same post >.>
It looks like there isn't a thread with a tid of 1051. Can you provide a link to your forum?

Also try rebuilding the cache's and the last post info etc.
I sent you a pm with the site info and links
Thank you Tikitiki Smile
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