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Full Version: updated to 127 help can not log in
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will not let me log in now what do I do useing firefox it tells me I am loged in then takes me back to the main page an I try to log in one more time HELP
[Wiki: Cookies] (Broken link, head over to instead)

Also clear your cookies before you try and relogin again.
thats the first thing I did than turned off my fire wall than tryed ie 7... can I reinstall the up date and do you think that will fix it are will I lose all stuff on the site? tryed to sighn up and there is no img for the verification that is with IE7 same with firefox
can you login to the admin cp and take a screen shot of your cookie settings?

Also make sure you arent on the page when you clear the cookies.
will not let me on site at all all and when its a cookie thing I can not log on to any MYbb boards
kerryd Wrote:will not let me on site at all all and when its a cookie thing I can not log on to any MYbb boards

Do you have access to ftp? is so can you post this file, it also contains the cookie info


or you can copy and paste the contents.

also can you please provide us with the URL to your forum.$settings['sf_sb_shouts_main'] = "10";
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You can login directly into your Admin account by going to your Admin folder and logging in. It doesn't use cookies so you won't have a problem logging in directly from the Admin center.

Then change the cookie settings to the correct one: [Wiki: Cookies] (Broken link, head over to instead).
your cookies settings are blank where the domain should be.

will the system read off the settings.php?
If so find
$settings['cookiedomain'] = "";
in the code above

and add the domain for your forums like this
$settings['cookiedomain'] = "";

and save and upload it and then see if it'll let you.
Yes, the system will read off of settings.php but it'll be overwritten when you update the settings from the control panel since you need to update it in the database too.

Simply put my method works better
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