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Full Version: Request : auto collapsed categories
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There is any mode/(or requesting to build) that make all the categories to be collapsed?(For guests, for registered members, and such) This is rally help's when you have more then 20 forums..
I've tried this simpel 'code-change' and it works. Can you check if it respons to your needs ? =P

Open functions_forumlist.php


			if(isset($collapsed[$collapsed_name]) && $collapsed[$collapsed_name] == "display: show;")
				$expcolimage = "collapse_collapsed.gif";
				$expdisplay = "display: none;";
				$expaltext = "[+]";
				$expcolimage = "collapse.gif";
				$expaltext = "[-]";

And replace it with

			if(isset($collapsed[$collapsed_name]) && $collapsed[$collapsed_name] == "display: show;")
				$expcolimage = "collapse.gif";
				$expaltext = "[-]";
				$expcolimage = "collapse_collapsed.gif";
				$expdisplay = "display: none;";
				$expaltext = "[+]";