As the title reads like the icons not showing up on the Forum. I followed the simple instructions that come with themes.
Clear cash and everything clears, but it not showing up.
What to do?
Which icons aren't showing? You mean you want icons like in the picture?
All your icons show for me, I don't see that theme on your site.
Have you set it so only administrators can see it?
Very weird. I have tried on 3 different computers with different browser and can not see anything. I investigate further and come back if something happens. I have now uninstalled off theme.
Thanks for your reply anyway.
No, the theme is for all groups. Now I have installed the theme and cleared all cookies, cash and checked the firewall and add-ins in your browser. But don't turn it up a few icons.
Ok now i see the theme and your problem, copy and paste the content from thread_status.css from the default theme into thread_status for devel theme.
OK, now maybe a silly question. But where is this file? In which directory?
Aha, I found the file.
Mmm, it doesn't work. Must not forward any icons as the pictures show.
Now I took the entire catalog from default and pasted in the Devel. Now I got up icons. But it doesn't sound like a normal action.
Re upload the theme, did you upload the image folder for the theme that came inside the zip file?