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Full Version: Text for Default Warning PM
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Hello, MyBB peeps -
While my wheels are still turning, I had another suggestion also related to the warning system. When a moderator ticks the box to send the offending user a PM, some default text appears. I think it'd be cool if that text was customizable in the Admin CP. Much easier than editing the language file directly.

definitely agree with this...but really this should be for ALL mybb default errors & messages within the core product.

having to edit language files can get pretty annoying. plus, you have to keep reapplying the edits if those files are changed during updates!
(2016-07-02, 06:43 PM)andrewjs18 Wrote: [ -> ]definitely agree with this...but really this should be for ALL mybb default errors & messages

^^ Now *that* would be fantastic.
Well, I think that having this makes warning PMs useless.
I can see why you might feel that way, which is why as andrewjs18 suggested, rather than just making this a feature of the warning system - it may be better to just allow for easier customization of all default messages in MyBB.