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Full Version: cant remove people from groups?
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My group leaders can not remove people from the group. It says that they have been removed but then it doesn't take them out.

I'm referring to this pageĀ /forum/managegroup.php?gid=8
Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Is this a plugin?

If so it's most likely to do with the database and queries not being executed properly.
Hm, it works on my local forum, have you modified the files at all? If you run a file verification check in the ACP, are any changed?
Oh, is the group they're in their primary group or an additional group? It seems it'll only remove them if it's an additional group.
uploads/avatars/index.html Missing
uploads/index.html Missing

^ my file verificaiton
its set as their primary group. ill try setting it as their additional and see if that works.