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I see the image verification like that Sad How can I fix this? I reupload inc/captcha_fonts and captcha.php also but it dosen't fix Sad

[Image: captcha.php?action=regimage&imagehash=test]
your inc/captcha_fonts should be uploaded in binary
Ok inc/captcha_fonts was uploaded in binary but it doesn't fix Sad

Also removing the inc/captcha_fonts folder fixed problem but there must be a real fix..
Yeh, you need to tell your host to install GD. If they can't then you have to turn off Image Verification.
It almost looks like the characters are drawn in white. The color algorithm should take into account how close the color is to the background and also colors commonly confused by color-blind people.
laie_techie Wrote:It almost looks like the characters are drawn in white. The color algorithm should take into account how close the color is to the background and also colors commonly confused by color-blind people.

There is no "color algorithm" used in the captcha file. In fact, it's always drawn in black (afaik), which leads me to the conclusion that it's a GD problem.
Tikitiki Wrote:Yeh, you need to tell your host to install GD. If they can't then you have to turn off Image Verification.

Yes, I think I have problems with my host. Also I can't use phpinfo() Sad

I explained all of the problems and waiting...
GD is enabled - the fonts are being correctly drawn.

As for the colours, they're also randomised - however never should be white or anything near white. The closest to white is an RGB value of (200, 200, 200).

This actually appears to be a recurring issue with some hosts and it leaves me to believe it is a PHP or GD related bug (or even a bug with the GD TTF libraries which draw the text).

What I recommend doing is deleting all of the fonts within inc/captcha_fonts/. MyBB will then use the built in GD fonts to draw the captcha.