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Full Version: Admin Permission help!!!!
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My forum isnt open yet, I am the only member (Admin)
But I changed the admin permission accidentally. Now I cant see/change the admin permission any more Sad

How can this be undone?
Why do you keep deleting your thread and reposting it?
maybe to bump it?
Do you know what I can do about it?
First off bumping it isn't going to make it be replied to any faster. It's not like I have some sort of alarm that goes off every time someone posts a new thread in here.

Second, try a search.
I tried the search, but m topic is on top ><

And other topics aren't about this problem =(
LDawg Wrote:I tried the search, but m topic is on top ><

And other topics aren't about this problem =(

Read this thread, there's a solution in there i think =/ =P
Ty Lex!
Also, your community hasn't started to populate yet an easy fix to this would be to just re-install the software. Smile
Twisted Wrote:Also, your community hasn't started to populate yet an easy fix to this would be to just re-install the software. Smile

Well there are other things which LDawg may have wanted to keep, such as theme customizations, modifications, customized settings, etc. This particular problem isn't that difficult of a fix to perform with the basic knowledge of executing SQL queries with phpMyAdmin.