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I've created a special group to allow on users within a specific group can access the forum.

I've add a user as a leader in the group with the permission to manage members and manage join request. But im not sure how does this user able to add the user because i cant find any control panel to do this.

any help would be appreciated.
Do this

Users and Groups > Manage Groups > [your custom group] >then from the menu click "Group Leader"

There you should be able to add a group leader to moderate joins ect
Jag100: I've done that.. is just that im not sure how to the leader can moderate... because i cant find any control panel...
User CP -> Group Memberships -> View Members -> Scroll down to bottom and find the add user name part.
tikitiki, thanks... i thought it should pop up under different menu or something.. didnt know that it should be in the usercp...

thanks for your help!.