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Full Version: I'm lost, update from MyBB 1.2.1 to MyBB 1.2.7 (127)
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Hi there,

I've done an update ealier. yay. But now I'm lost....

I have: 1.2.1
Latest: 1.2.7

I guess there were a couple of versions in between 1.2.1 and 1.2.7. How do I upgrade? Can I copy all files to my forum folder? I'm afraid of deleting content of my users...
You might want to read this guide on upgrading:
It does a pretty good walkthrough of what to do.

Your data in your database shouldn't be affected in any way.
Just upload all new 1.2.7 files to your server. Then point your browser to /install/upgrade.php and choose your version ...
When updating select update from 1.2.x
You should actually select 1.2.1, to be more specific.
ok, great thanks a lot. Doesn't sound like science :-) will try..
You may want to make a complete backup of your forum (files and database) before commencing the upgrade.
Hi there,

let me update my own question. ;-)

I have not updated yet!

I still have: MyBB 1.2.1
Latest is: MyBB 1.2.9 (129).

Are your hints and advices still valid? Do I have to consider anything new? I plan to do the upgrade coming week end. THANK YOU!


P.S.: We urgently wait for the feature "Moderators can activate users". Smile
The information is still valid, you will also need to look at this.
MrDoom Wrote:The information is still valid, you will also need to look at this.

wow, great.

I'm lucky. I have a small private non-public forum and I did not make any changes to the templates. I'm lucky. Smile

thanks a lot.
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