On default basic MyBB there is a link at the bottom of every page in a thread. "return to top". This bring you to the top of the page without have to manually scroll up.
I am looking for the opposite. A link at the top of the page that drops you down to the bottom. I would preferably want it to instantly do it and NOT animate the process.
Just to clarify...I dont mean the end of the thread, assuming the thread is 3 pages long. IF your on the first page, first post....i want to click a link that auto puts me at the end of page 1.
You can do the opposite.
In header template you have <a name="top" id="top"></a>
So in footer template place <a name="bottom" id="bottom"></a> above <div id="footer">
Then in header template you place <li><a href="#bottom">link to bottom</a></li> above {$menu_portal}
That will do want you want, with some styling refinements needed.
Thanks. Im obviously not fluent in html.
Is there a way to move it out of the toplink and next to the reply button on the right at the top? So that it does not show up on the main index page.
Ive been randomly guessing where to put the code, but i cant find that button in the templates at all?
I think i might of came across the template where i need to put it
in showthread template
Quote: <div class="float_left">
<div class="float_right">
I changed it to
Quote:[code] <div class="float_left">
<div class="float_left"> <a href="#bottom">Bottom Page</a></div>
<div class="float_right">
But i decided in made more sense to be near the nav bar, but not in the nav bar, because then it would display across the entire forum (even the index) and not just in a thread.
Is there some easy way to find where the template you are looking for to modify if you are not aware of MyBB Software? I tried using grep to scan text in files, but it resulted in a ton of files having the same output...i couldnt narrow it down.