I'm at work right now, but I just went through the changes logs from 3.1.10-3.1.17 and I am not seeing any template changes that could cause this issue.
I use sideboxes on my forum to replace the "middle" column and haven't had any issues. To be fair, I may be on 3.1.16 on my forum, I'd have to check.
When I get home tonight, I'll install the older version locally and compare the markup output to the latest version. Are all of your templates standard (not the side box itself, but the columns and other core templates)?
Yes, everything standard. But for some reason the side bars "pop" into place (initially they load larger, but then auto-resize to fit the rest of the page) with the older version...Again, I'm displaying left and right directly next to each other...
it appears to be something that changed between #4 and #5 (and stayed that way with later versions). On the surface, it seems they are at least partially responsive in #4, but lose that in #5.
If you're not sure why, then maybe it's easier to set some CSS for mobile (or some possibility of separate width % settings for mobile in the app)? I tried directly on the element in Dev F12 mode: Build #4 width changes do affect, but not build #5 and on.
With build #4
With Build #5 and on
(2019-03-09, 07:04 AM)DrXotick Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, everything standard. But for some reason the side bars "pop" into place (initially they load larger, but then auto-resize to fit the rest of the page) with the older version...Again, I'm displaying left and right directly next to each other...
it appears to be something that changed between #4 and #5 (and stayed that way with later versions). On the surface, it seems they are partially responsive in #4, but lose that in #5.
If you're not sure why maybe it's easier to set some CSS for mobile (or some possibility of separate width % settings for mobile in the app)? I tried directly on the element in Dev F12 mode: Build #4 width changes do affect, but not build #5 and on.
With build #4
With Build #5 and on
You may or may not already know this, but the sideboxes widths are controlled by making numerical changes as shown in the screenshot.
Of course, SAVE the settings! (at the bottom of that window - not shown in the screenshot)
If you don't, it will revert back to whatever it was prior to you making those adjustments.
![[Image: 3ca2269e40a022ee81eb9400ec05e711.png]](https://camo.mybb.com/f03dee8a751b7784a0c595264c055ffc9e1f48b3/68747470733a2f2f692e6779617a6f2e636f6d2f33636132323639653430613032326565383165623934303065633035653731312e706e67)
Hello, to update this plugin from 3.1.16
I just have to deactivate the plugin and replace the old files with new ones??
(2019-03-09, 09:36 AM)vk_knight Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, to update this plugin from 3.1.16
I just have to deactivate the plugin and replace the old files with new ones??
Yes, that is how it's usually done.
No matter which plugin you are using... always a good idea to deactivate the plugin even if the instructions are not explicit in saying it.
(2019-03-09, 07:04 AM)DrXotick Wrote: [ -> ]it appears to be something that changed between #4 and #5 (and stayed that way with later versions). On the surface, it seems they are at least partially responsive in #4, but lose that in #5.
Thank you so much for such a detailed report. That gets me a lot closer to figuring out exactly what happened.
I think I should split the left and right column into two separate templates. This will allow you remove width restrictions or change to percentage width. So that would break up
Do you mean
build #4 and
build #5 in the Extend section?
(2019-03-09, 09:36 AM)vk_knight Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, to update this plugin from 3.1.16
I just have to deactivate the plugin and replace the old files with new ones??
That's correct. When you activate, that will trigger any upgrades necessary to upgrade from any previous version.
(2019-03-09, 09:18 AM)Serpius Wrote: [ -> ]You may or may not already know this, but the sideboxes widths are controlled by making numerical changes as shown in the screenshot.
Yes, aware of this. It doesn't help the situation, as there's a big difference with width requirement between PC and mobile (and between the different mobile DPIs as well). Thanks regardless. I need them to be pliable to custom CSS or responsive as they were in the older version (pretty cool feature!) or some separate setting for mobile width so can set a separate %.
Yes, exactly...between build #4 01-02-2017 and #5 02-06-2017... this appears to be where the change happened.