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I am configuring/designing a site currently on local (via wampserver) until I get it perfected. I have been trying to learn & figure out things on my own without having to bother anyone. This time I kinda succeeded, however now I'm stuck at what to do with it. I have went through all the sheets & apparently I'm missing the right place to enter my results.

Here was my original

I needed the light background area to include the rest of the Content/text too.
So I was messing around with it in Chrome under their developers tools, and I managed to accurately accomplish what I wanted, which is this...

My problem is though I see the new index under "elements" that Chrome has changed for me, I cant figure where to enter it at to change my actual theme on mybb. 

In case you need it, here is what Chrome shows, when its the way I want it...
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*Crickets chirp
Well I guess maybe I'm wrong, and no one knows how, considering over 175 have viewed this but no one will simply tell me  where (on what file) I need to change. Basically (I THINK ) I'm needing to probably move the container or table/cell's closing tag from above the place where it says "Players choice gaming community" to the bottom of last section. I just don't know where/what file(s).
It originally is supposed to look that way anyway.

Please someone help me.

Thank you very much for your time and assistance.
In cases like this you may have added in an extra </div> or could be missing one which then closed that div. Not sure where to start without actually seeing the website itself though. If it is a case of missing/too many </div>'s then you'll have to go step by step and take away things you've added in until it's back to normal.
I found ran a validator on the actual original theme (the original .xml) and it shows in perfect shape. So I made a new theme name in mybb, & imported the theme again. However I still get the issue as I had before! I copied the new page's source, & pasted it in my validator, and it showed me 2 /div that are extra (as you assumed was the problem).

Sooo, now that I know to try removing them, heres the confusion I'm having... how do I go about editing it to remove the problem. What I mean is I have the source code from viewing the source via my page on mybb. I know how to simply try removing the extra /div on the source code I viewed. But where/how do I save the edited source page?

Sorry if Im not explaining my question right. I know what I mean but I dont know how to ask it correct lol.

Thank you for any & all assistance.

P.S. The problem is on all the pages. And I have the issue on 2 different themes I have tried, however all other themes look perfectly normal (but of course its these 2 that I like best lol)