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Full Version: Enhanced Account Switcher | Accountlist only show x groups?
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We are using the default 'registered' group as an 'auditioning' group as we're an RPG forum.

So there's no possible way to hide that group without it hiding everything?
Instead of skipping the not allowed groups, you could skip the groups, that are different than the allowed groups.
if (!is_member(array(3,4,6,X,Y), $account['uid'])) continue; 

3,4,6 are mods, admins etc. X and Y are the ID's of the groups that should be visible.
Okay so this is what I have so far, working like a beauty thank you!
 * Enhanced Account Switcher for MyBB 1.8
 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 doylecc
 * based on the Plugin:
 * Account Switcher 1.0 by Harest
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Harest
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>

define("KILL_GLOBALS", 1);
define("IN_MYBB", 1);
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'accountlist.php');
define("EAS_PROFILEFIELD", 1);
//define("NO_ONLINE", 1); // Remove from online list

$templatelist = 'accountswitcher_accountlist,accountswitcher_accountlist_master,accountswitcher_accountlist_attached,accountswitcher_accountlist_shared,accountswitcher_accountlist_endbit,accountswitcher_profilefield,accountswitcher_avatar,accountswitcher_profilefield_head,accountswitcher_profilefield_attached';

require_once "./global.php";

// Deny guest access
if ($mybb->user['uid'] == 0)

// Redirect back if accountlist disabled
if ($mybb->settings['aj_list'] != 1)
	redirect("index.php", $lang->aj_list_disabled);

// Load language file

// Add breadcrumb navigation
add_breadcrumb("Member Character Index");

// Declare variables
$masters = $masters_uid = $masters_ad = $masters_smod = $masters_mod = $masters_reg = $masters_share = $masters_shared = $masters_attached = array();
$count = 0;
$accountlist = $accountlist_masterbit = $masterlink = $attachedlink = $profile_head = $profilefield_attached = $profile_field = $profile_name = $viewableby = $as_accountlist_hidden = '';
$colspan_head = 'colspan="2"';
$colspan = '';
$master_width = 'width="50%"';
$avadims = 'width="auto" height="44"';
$tb_row = '</tr>';

// Incoming results per page?
$mybb->input['perpage'] = $mybb->get_input('perpage', MyBB::INPUT_INT);
if ($mybb->input['perpage'] > 0 && $mybb->input['perpage'] <= 50)
	$per_page = $mybb->input['perpage'];
	$per_page = $mybb->input['perpage'] = 35;

// Page
$page = $mybb->get_input('page', MyBB::INPUT_INT);
if ($page && $page > 0)
	$start = ($page - 1) * $per_page;
	$start = 0;
	$page = 1;

// If profile field enabled, change colspans and get user fields
if ($mybb->settings['aj_profilefield'] == 1 && (int)$mybb->settings['aj_profilefield_id'] > 0)
	$colspan_head = 'colspan="4"';
	$colspan = 'colspan="2"';
	$tb_row = '';

// Load account data from cache
$accounts = $eas->accountswitcher_cache;

if (is_array($accounts))
	// Find all master accounts
	foreach ($accounts as $key => $account)
		$masters_uid[] = $account['as_uid'];

	$masters_uid = array_unique($masters_uid);
	$masters_uid = array_values($masters_uid);

	// Sort Master Accounts by usergroup: 1. Admins, 2. Super-Mods, 3. Mods, 4. Other
	if (isset($mybb->settings['aj_sortgroup']) && $mybb->settings['aj_sortgroup'] == 1)
		foreach ($masters_uid as $master_uid)
			if (is_member(4, $master_uid) && $master_uid != 0) {
				$masters_ad[] = $master_uid;
			} elseif (is_member(3, $master_uid) && $master_uid != 0) {
				$masters_smod[] = $master_uid;
			} elseif (is_member(6, $master_uid) && $master_uid != 0) {
				$masters_mod[] = $master_uid;
			} elseif ($master_uid != 0) {
				$masters_reg[] = $master_uid;
			} else {
				$masters_share[] = $master_uid;
		foreach ($masters_uid as $master_uid)
			if ($master_uid != 0) {
				$masters_attached[] = $master_uid;
			} else {
				$masters_shared[] = $master_uid;

	// Sort master accounts by username
	if (isset($mybb->settings['aj_sortuser']) && $mybb->settings['aj_sortuser'] == 'uname')
		$m_ad_username = $m_smod_username = $m_mod_username = $m_username = $m_ad_uid = $m_smod_uid = $m_mod_uid = $m_uid =array();
		// Sort by group and username
		if (isset($mybb->settings['aj_sortgroup']) && $mybb->settings['aj_sortgroup'] == 1)
			if (is_array($masters_ad))
				foreach ($masters_ad as $key => $master_ad)
					$master_admin = get_user($master_ad);
					$m_ad_uid[$key] = $master_admin['uid'];
					$m_ad_username[$key] = $master_admin['username'];
				array_multisort($m_ad_username, SORT_ASC, $m_ad_uid, SORT_ASC, $masters_ad);
			if (is_array($masters_smod))
				foreach ($masters_smod as $key => $master_smod)
					$master_super = get_user($master_smod);
					$m_smod_uid[$key] = $master_super['uid'];
					$m_smod_username[$key] = $master_super['username'];
				array_multisort($m_smod_username, SORT_ASC, $m_smod_uid, SORT_ASC, $masters_smod);
			if (is_array($masters_mod))
				foreach ($masters_mod as $key => $master_mod)
					$master_md = get_user($master_mod);
					$m_mod_uid[$key] = $master_md['uid'];
					$m_mod_username[$key] = $master_md['username'];
				array_multisort($m_mod_username, SORT_ASC, $m_mod_uid, SORT_ASC, $masters_mod);
			if (is_array($masters_reg))
				foreach ($masters_reg as $key => $master_user)
					$master = get_user($master_user);
					$m_uid[$key] = $master['uid'];
					$m_username[$key] = $master['username'];
				array_multisort($m_username, SORT_ASC, $m_uid, SORT_ASC, $masters_reg);
		else // Sort all by username
			if (is_array($masters_attached))
				foreach ($masters_attached as $key => $master_uid)
					$master = get_user($master_uid);
					$m_uid[$key] = $master['uid'];
					$m_username[$key] = $master['username'];
				array_multisort($m_username, SORT_ASC, $m_uid, SORT_ASC, $masters_attached);
	// Sort Master Accounts by usergroup: 1. Admins, 2. Super-Mods, 3. Mods, 4. Other
	if (isset($mybb->settings['aj_sortgroup']) && $mybb->settings['aj_sortgroup'] == 1)
		$masters = array_merge($masters_ad, $masters_smod, $masters_mod, $masters_reg, $masters_share);
		$masters = array_merge($masters_attached, $masters_shared);

	// Count all master accounts
	$num_masters = count($masters);
	// Show only number of master acounts per page
	$masters = array_slice($masters, $start, $per_page);

	if (is_array($masters))
		foreach ($masters as $master_acc)
			$master = get_user($master_acc);
			if (!empty($master['uid']))
			if (is_member(array(2,5,10,11), $master['uid'])) continue;
				$profilefield = '&nbsp;';
				$hidden = 0;
				// Hide users with privacy setting enabled
				if (($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 1 && $mybb->user['uid'] != $master['uid'] && $mybb->settings['aj_privacy'] == 1 && $master['as_privacy'] == 1)
				&& (($mybb->user['as_uid'] > 0 && $mybb->user['as_uid'] != $master['uid'])
				|| ($mybb->user['as_uid'] == 0 && $mybb->user['uid'] != $master['as_uid'])))
					$masterAvatar = $eas->attached_avatar($mybb->settings['default_avatar'], $mybb->settings['useravatardims']);
					$masterlink = $masterAvatar.$lang->aj_hidden_master;
					// Display master account
					$attachedPostUser = htmlspecialchars_uni($master['username']);
					$masterAvatar = $eas->attached_avatar($master['avatar'], $master['avatardimensions']);
					$masterlink = '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="font-weight: bold;" title="Master Account">'.build_profile_link(format_name($attachedPostUser, $master['usergroup'], $master['displaygroup']), (int)$master['uid']).'</span>';
					// Get profile field
					if ($mybb->settings['aj_profilefield'] == 1 && (int)$mybb->settings['aj_profilefield_id'] > 0)
						$master_width = 'width="28%"';
						$profile_field = $eas->get_profilefield($master['uid']);
				$accountlist_masterbit .= eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_accountlist_master'));
				// Display shared account
				if ($account['as_buddyshare'] != 0)
					$lang->as_isshared = $lang->as_isshared_buddy;
				if ($mybb->settings['aj_profilefield'] == 1 && (int)$mybb->settings['aj_profilefield_id'] > 0)
					$profilefield = '&nbsp;';
					$profile_field = eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_profilefield'));
				$accountlist_masterbit .= eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_accountlist_shared'));

			// Sort accounts by first, secondary, shared accounts and by uid or username
			$accounts = $eas->sort_attached();

			// Get all attached accounts
			foreach ($accounts as $key => $account)
				if ($account['as_uid'] == $master_acc)
				if (is_member(array(2,5,10,11), $account['uid'])) continue; 
					$profilefield = '&nbsp;';
					// Hide users with privacy setting enabled
					if ($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 1 && $mybb->user['uid'] != $account['uid'] && $mybb->settings['aj_privacy'] == 1 && $account['as_privacy'] == 1)
						if (($mybb->user['as_uid'] != 0 && $mybb->user['as_uid'] != $account['as_uid'] && $mybb->user['as_uid'] != $account['uid'])
						|| ($mybb->user['as_uid'] == 0 && $mybb->user['uid'] != $account['as_uid']))
					if ($count > 0)
						// Display attached account
						$attachedPostUser = htmlspecialchars_uni($account['username']);
						if ($mybb->settings['aj_sharestyle'] == 1 && $account['as_share'] != 0)
							$attachedbit = eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_shared_accountsbit'));
						elseif ($mybb->settings['aj_secstyle'] == 1 && $account['as_sec'] != 0 && $account['as_share'] == 0)
							$user_sec_reason = htmlspecialchars_uni($account['as_secreason']);
							$attachedbit = eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_sec_accountsbit'));
							$attachedbit = format_name($attachedPostUser, (int)$account['usergroup'], (int)$account['displaygroup']);
						$attachedAvatar = $eas->attached_avatar($account['avatar'], $account['avatardimensions']);
						$attachedlink = $attachedAvatar.'&nbsp;&nbsp;'.build_profile_link($attachedbit, (int)$account['uid']);
						// Get profile field
						if ($mybb->settings['aj_profilefield'] == 1 && (int)$mybb->settings['aj_profilefield_id'] > 0)
							$profile_field = $eas->get_profilefield($account['uid'], true);
						$accountlist_masterbit .= eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_accountlist_attached'));
			// Show number of hidden attached accounts
			if ($hidden > 0)
				$as_accountlist_hidden = '<tr><td class="trow1" style="padding: 8px 0 0 65px;">'.$lang->sprintf($lang->aj_hidden, $hidden).'</td></tr>';
				$accountlist_masterbit .= eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_accountlist_endbit'));
				$as_accountlist_hidden = '';
				$accountlist_masterbit .= eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_accountlist_endbit'));

	// Multipage
	$search_url = htmlspecialchars_uni("accountlist.php?perpage={$mybb->input['perpage']}");
	$multipage = multipage($num_masters, $per_page, $page, $search_url);

// Output accountlist
$accountlist .= eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_accountlist'));


HOWEVER, if someone has an attached account and it's their only attached account but it's not supposed to display, their name still displays on the list and I don't believe it's supposed to.

Before Not Allowing User Group:
After Not Allowing Usergroup:
Is the account Ash in a disallowed usergroup too?
Otherwise it's displayed correctly.
But if you want to to hide the master account too, if the only attached account is in a disallowed group, you would have to rewrite the whole account list. It's not easily done.
Ah well, there are other accounts that are in the same user group as Ash but they do not display on the list.

Is this because they don't have accounts attached at all? Or just a weird quirk with Ash's account.

I'd hate to have to have the whole thing rewritten so I'll just be happy with this! xD
(2017-02-02, 06:49 PM)Nicole-Studios Wrote: [ -> ]Is this because they don't have accounts attached at all? Or just a weird quirk with Ash's account.
If Ash isn't also a member of an allowed additional group, then yes, it is because the other users of the same group don't have accounts attached at all.
Ash is shown because there is someone attached - even if the attached user is hidden. To change this behavior, the account list has to check the groups of the attached accounts before the list is created instead during the process like now - which would mean rewriting the account list. Smile
(2017-02-02, 07:29 PM)doylecc Wrote: [ -> ]To change this behavior, the account list has to check the groups of the attached accounts before the list is created instead during the process like now - which would mean rewriting the account list. Smile

Ah yes, I won't worry about it then! Too much work to be done lol. Smile
Pages: 1 2