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I'm new to Mybb, it seems like a simple, usefriendly software to use. But, I'm not yet at the level to write my own system. So I'm looking for a mybb bridge between my homepage (non wordpress) and mybb forums.

Im for something with the followING features
*Grab forum threads
*Grab latest post stats
*Singlet Sign On 

If anyone here can help me by pointing me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.
homepage with a global template home_index:


// Set some useful constants that the core may require or use
define("IN_MYBB", 1);
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'home.php');

// Including global.php gives us access to a bunch of MyBB functions and variables
require_once "PathToMyBB/global.php";

// Only required because we're using home for our page wrapper

// Add a breadcrumb
add_breadcrumb('Home', "home.php");

$hello_world = 'This text will appear on the page';
eval('$sections  = "' . $templates->get('hello_world_template') . '";');

// Using the misc_help template for the page wrapper
eval("\$page = \"".$templates->get("home_index")."\";");

// Spit out the page to the user once we've put all the templates and vars together


To grab the latest stats using PHP via RSS, SQL or MyBB hooks (maybe?).
What kind of Single Sign On are you looking for? I wrote a plugin for CAS a while back. I should probably publish and updated version.