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I'm trying to fix the old User Tagging plugin for 1.6, where when it sends the message it shows the thread link but does not include the post id part of the link to indicate which post that user was tagged it.

It started out as:
$pmBody = str_replace('{thread}', "[url=" . $mybb->settings["bburl"] . "/showthread.php?tid=" . $tid . "]" . $mybb->settings["bburl"] . "/showthread.php?tid=" . $tid . "[/url]", $pmBody);

Which was giving this in PM's sent out by it:

I changed it to this:
$pmBody = str_replace('{thread}', "[url=" . $mybb->settings["bburl"] . "/showthread.php?tid=" . $tid . "&pid=" . $pid . "#pid" . $pid . "]" . "here" . "[/url]", $pmBody);

Which is now giving this in PM's sent out by it:

So it's now adding &pid and #pid BUT not the number that needs to follow both of those.

What am I missing here?
Moved to Plugin Support.
Globalize $pid?

global $pid;
Newbie here so I'm just now learning and haven't learned much lol.

I went in and added it behind:
global $mybb, $db;

So it is now:
global $mybb, $db, $pid;

And that didn't change the result.
Did you tried by adding right after function starts (after globals):
$pid = $post->data['pid'];
I did that as well when I was changing the previous mentioned stuff. So perhaps it's not pulling correctly or there's an error in the code?

Here's the full plugin code:
 * User Tagging
 * Jeremiah Johnson

    die("You Cannot Access This File Directly");

$plugins->add_hook("datahandler_post_insert_post", "user_tagging_datahandler_post_insert_post");
$plugins->add_hook("datahandler_post_insert_thread_post", "user_tagging_datahandler_post_insert_thread_post");
$plugins->add_hook("datahandler_post_update", "user_tagging_datahandler_post_update");
$plugins->add_hook('admin_config_settings_change_commit', 'user_tagging_admin_config_settings_change_commit');

function user_tagging_info()
return array(
        "name"  => "User Tagging",
        "description"=> "Adds the ability to tag other users in posts. Also sends PM from tagging user to tagged user.",
        "website"        => "",
        "author"        => "Jeremiah Johnson",
        "authorsite"    => "",
        "version"        => "1.2.1",
        "guid"             => "498ebe70a8844739b14163bd42ac24eb",
        "compatibility" => "18*"

function user_tagging_is_installed()
   global $db;
   $query = $db->simple_select("settinggroups", "name", "name='user_tagging'");
   $result = $db->fetch_array($query);

   if($result) {
	return 1;
   } else {
	return 0;

function user_tagging_install()
   global $db;
   $setting_group = array(
		'gid'			=> 'NULL',
		'name'			=> 'user_tagging',
		'title'			=> 'User Tagging',
		'description'	=> 'Settings for User Tagging.',
		'disporder'		=> "1",
		'isdefault'		=> 'no',

   $db->insert_query('settinggroups', $setting_group);
   $gid = $db->insert_id();
   $myplugin_setting = array(
		'name'			=> 'user_tagging_on',
		'title'			=> 'On/Off',
		'description'	=> 'Turn User Tagging On or Off',
		'optionscode'	=> 'yesno', //this will be a yes/no select box
		'value'			=> '1', //default value is yes, use 0 for no
		'disporder'		=> 1,
		'gid'			=> intval($gid),

   $db->insert_query('settings', $myplugin_setting);

   $myplugin_setting = array(
		'name'			=> 'user_tagging_subject',
		'title'			=> 'PM Subject',
		'description'	=> 'The subject line for the PM sent to the tagged user.',
		'optionscode'	=> 'text',
		'value'			=> 'I tagged you!',
		'disporder'		=> 2,
		'gid'			=> intval($gid),

   $db->insert_query('settings', $myplugin_setting);

   $myplugin_setting = array(
		'name'			=> 'user_tagging_body',
		'title'			=> 'PM Body',
		'description'	=> 'The message body for the PM sent to the tagged user. To specify the thread they were tagged in, use {thread}.',
		'optionscode'	=> 'textarea',
		'value'			=> 'I tagged you here: {thread}',
		'disporder'		=> 3,
		'gid'			=> intval($gid),
	$db->insert_query('settings', $myplugin_setting);

function user_tagging_activate() {

function user_tagging_deactivate() {
function user_tagging_uninstall()
	global $db;
	$db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings WHERE name IN ('user_tagging_on','user_tagging_subject','user_tagging_body')");
	$db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."settinggroups WHERE name='user_tagging'");

function user_tagging_send_pm($subject, $msg, $toname, $fromid) {
   require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/datahandlers/pm.php";
   global $db, $mybb, $lang; ;
   $pm_handler = new PMDataHandler();

   $pm_handler->admin_override = true;

   $pm = array(

   	   "subject" => $subject,

   	   "message" => $msg,

	   "fromid" => $fromid,

	   "options" => array(
"savecopy" => "0"),

   $pm['to'] = array($toname);




      //bad pm. oops. lol
   } else




function user_tagging_datahandler_post_insert_post(&$post) {
   global $mybb;
   //pull vars from object
   $msg = $post->post_insert_data['message'];
   $tid = $post->post_insert_data['tid'];
   $pid = $post->data['pid'];
   $time = $post->post_insert_data['dateline'];

   //if they have tagging disabled, do nothing
   if(!$mybb->settings['user_tagging_on']) {
      return $msg;

   //build the pm from user settings
   $pmBody = $mybb->settings['user_tagging_body'];
   $pmBody = str_replace('{thread}', "[url=" . $mybb->settings["bburl"] . "/showthread.php?tid=" . $tid . "&pid=" . $pid . "#" . $pid . "]" . "here" . "[/url]", $pmBody);

   $msg = user_tagging_tag($time, $pmBody, $msg);
   $post->post_insert_data['message'] = $msg;
   return $post;

function user_tagging_datahandler_post_insert_thread_post(&$post) {
   global $mybb;
   //pull vars from object
   $msg = $post->post_insert_data['message'];
   $tid = $post->post_insert_data['tid'];
   $pid = $post->data['pid'];
   $time = $post->post_insert_data['dateline'];

   //if they have tagging disabled, do nothing
   if(!$mybb->settings['user_tagging_on']) {
      return $msg;

   //build the pm from user settings
   $pmBody = $mybb->settings['user_tagging_body'];
   $pmBody = str_replace('{thread}', "[url=" . $mybb->settings["bburl"] . "/showthread.php?tid=" . $tid . "&pid=" . $pid . "#" . $pid . "]" . "here" . "[/url]", $pmBody);

   $msg = user_tagging_tag($time, $pmBody, $msg);
   $post->post_insert_data['message'] = $msg;
   return $post;

function user_tagging_datahandler_post_update(&$post) {
    global $mybb;
   //pull vars from object
   $msg = $post->post_update_data['message'];
   $tid = $post->data['tid'];
   $pid = $post->data['pid'];
   $time = $post->post_update_data['edittime'];

   //if they have tagging disabled, do nothing
   if(!$mybb->settings['user_tagging_on']) {
      return $msg;

   //build the pm from user settings
   $pmBody = $mybb->settings['user_tagging_body'];
   $pmBody = str_replace('{thread}', "[url=" . $mybb->settings["bburl"] . "/showthread.php?tid=" . $tid . "&pid=" . $pid . "#" . $pid . "]" . "here" . "[/url]", $pmBody);

   $msg = user_tagging_tag($pmBody, $pmBody, $msg);

   $post->post_update_data['message'] = $msg;
   return $post;

function user_tagging_tag($time, $pmBody, $msg) {
   global $db, $mybb;
   $maxlength = $mybb->settings['maxnamelength'];
   $delimiter = ' ' . crypt($msg, $time) . ' ';
   $tagged = array(); //array to hold tagged users, incase of multiple tagging
   //build the pm from user settings
   $pmSubject = $mybb->settings['user_tagging_subject'];
   //break msg down to only spaces, then create array
   $msgNoNewLines = str_replace("\\n", $delimiter, $msg); //change all newlines into spaces for parsing method
   $msgParts = explode(' ', $msgNoNewLines);
   for($i = 0; isset($msgParts[$i]); ++$i) {
      //if it starts with @ and hasn't been tagged before
	  if(substr($msgParts[$i], 0, 1) == '@') {
	     for($j = 1; ($i + $j - 1) < sizeof($msgParts); $j++) {
	        $size = 0;
			$message = $msgParts[$i];
	        //get the current size and message
	        for($k = 0; ($k + $i) < sizeof($msgParts) && $k < $j; $k++) {
	           $size += strlen($msgParts[$i + $k]);
			   if($k > 0) {
			     $message .= ' ' . $msgParts[$i + $k];
			//if we are over max name length + 1(allow for @ and for punctuation at end
			if(($size + 2) > $maxlength) {

            $search = substr($message, 1);
		    $search = $db->escape_string($search);

	        if(preg_match('/\W/', substr($message, -1))) //if the last character is non-word ie punctuation of some sort
	           $search2 = substr($message, 1, (strlen($message) - 2)); //get between @ and last char
	           $search2 = $db->escape_string($search2);
	        } else {
	           $search2 = "";

	        $query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid,username", "username='{$search}'");
            $user = $db->fetch_array($query);

			if($user) {
			   //put the url tags around it
			   $msgParts[$i] = '[url=' . $mybb->settings["bburl"] . '/member.php?action=profile&uid=' . $user['uid'] . ']'. $msgParts[$i];
               $msgParts[$i + $j - 1] = $msgParts[$i + $j - 1] . '[/url]';
			   if(!in_array($user['uid'], $tagged)) //if first tag in post, send pm
			      array_push($tagged, $user['uid']);
				  //send the pm
				  user_tagging_send_pm($pmSubject, $pmBody, $user['username'], $mybb->user['uid']);
			} else if($search2) { //no match try second search if exists
			   $query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid,username", "username='{$search2}'");
			   $user = $db->fetch_array($query);
			   if($user) {
			      $msgParts[$i] = '[url=' . $mybb->settings["bburl"] . '/member.php?action=profile&uid=' . $user['uid'] . ']'. $msgParts[$i];
                  $msgParts[$i + $j - 1] = substr($msgParts[$i + $j - 1], 0, (strlen($msgParts[$i + $j - 1]) - 1)) . '[/url]' . substr($msgParts[$i + $j - 1], -1);
				  if(!in_array($user['uid'], $tagged)) //if first tag in post, send pm
				     array_push($tagged, $user['uid']);
					 //send the pm
					 user_tagging_send_pm($pmSubject, $pmBody, $user['username'], $mybb->user['uid']);
   //put the message back together
   $msg = implode(" ", $msgParts);
   $msg = str_replace($delimiter, "\\n", $msg);

   return $msg;

function user_tagging_admin_config_settings_change_commit() {
   global $mybb;
Just a friendly bump. Smile