2017-01-31, 06:43 PM
i is my first post , i dont speak english very well
i have a problem
I want to post facebook and twitter post in my forum, in a previewed way with the insert command I can put it in the post with the option image but when I publish it disappears, which is mycode code to have this option ?? Or is there any plug in ??
![[Image: 16300094_10155035600374292_8758848126206...e=590CA1DA]](https://camo.mybb.com/9c9a1f9c985c91e77d9fdfcde86b0c8f4921d0ab/68747470733a2f2f73636f6e74656e742e666c696d352d312e666e612e666263646e2e6e65742f762f7433312e302d382f31363330303039345f31303135353033353630303337343239325f38373538383438313236323036303638385f6f2e6a70673f6f683d303934366162633038393433656463303539306664633261636331366265396526616d703b6f653d3539304341314441)
Twitter resolved
i have a problem
I want to post facebook and twitter post in my forum, in a previewed way with the insert command I can put it in the post with the option image but when I publish it disappears, which is mycode code to have this option ?? Or is there any plug in ??
Twitter resolved