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Is it possible to easily modify the search option to allow for a minimum search term length of 3 characters?

A minimum search term length of 3 characters is by default selected.
You can change it by going to ACP-Configuration-Settings-Search System
edit: Minimum Search Word Length
I changed the "Minimum Search Word Length" from 4 to 3 and when I do a search with 3 characters it says "The minimum search term length is 4 characters."
I even tried 0 and 1.
The Search Type is fulltext
Is there another setting that controls the "Minimum Search Word Length"?
MyBB version is 1.8.4

Under MyphpAdmin the values are:
name = minsearchword
optionscode = numeric
value = 3
disporder = 3
gid = 20
isdefault = 1

Search Type optionscode is
<select name=\"upsetting[{$setting['name']}]\"><option value=\"standard\">".($lang->setting_searchtype_standard?$lang->setting_searchtype_standard:"Standard")."</option>".($db->supports_fulltext("threads") && $db->supports_fulltext_boolean("posts")?"<option value=\"fulltext\"".($setting['value']=="fulltext"?" selected=\"selected\"":"").">".($lang->setting_searchtype_fulltext?$lang->setting_searchtype_fulltext:"Full Text")."</option>":"")."</select>

value = fulltext

I changed the Search Type to Standard and now it lets me search for 3 characters.
So Full Text search type is stuck at 4 but Standard uses "Minimum Search Word Length"?
To change the full text minimum word length, you will need to alter the definition of the column.