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Full Version: Force users to read a thread?
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Hi, i need to force users to read a thread, I dont know if this mod exists for mybb but here is for vbulletin, if anyone can help me i will really appreciate.

Moved to Code Modifications.
That is a good idea. I like that. Force every users to read the thread once.

With this mod, we can present updating rules and announcements.

Is there any one here to take this challenge?
it's a good idea indeed
This is like forcing someone to register!! Lol!
Check it out. I haven't tested this much, so let me know if you see any bugs.

It redirects your registered users just as they enter index.php.
Just activate it and go to Board Settings Change > General Configuration > Must-read-it thread ID. By default it's "0", which means "do not redirect them anywhere".

Every user will be redirected once. Will be redirected again if you change the thread id.