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Full Version: Can't delete threads and edit/create groups/ranks
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Hello everyone, I have three problems.

My first problem is that I can't delete any threads or posts as the button always stays Go(0) instead of Go(1).

and my second problem is that I can't edit/create any groups/ranks since I updated from 1.8.2 (i think) to 1.8.12.
I don't know if I still have any backups of the older version but I don't wanna downgrade due to the fear of losing the posts that are in the forums of the community that I manage the site for. I have this second problem already a bit longer.

The problem with the button staying on Go(0) is there since I tried to move the forum from /forums/ to just / because we wanted the site to be https.

The third problem is with the https. Whenever I go on the https link of our forum, it doesn't show any CSS anymore. The admin panel is working perfectly with the https but when I use http for the forum, it also works perfectly.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can fix the three problems?

The links are:

the error for the groups problem is this:

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'canviewdeletionnotice' in 'field list'
INSERT INTO mybb_usergroups (type,title,description,namestyle,usertitle,stars,starimage,disporder,isbannedgroup,canview,canviewthreads,canviewprofiles,candlattachments,canviewboardclosed,canpostthreads,canpostreplys,canpostattachments,canratethreads,modposts,modthreads,modattachments,mod_edit_posts,caneditposts,candeleteposts,candeletethreads,caneditattachments,canviewdeletionnotice,canpostpolls,canvotepolls,canundovotes,canusepms,cansendpms,cantrackpms,candenypmreceipts,pmquota,maxpmrecipients,cansendemail,cansendemailoverride,maxemails,emailfloodtime,canviewmemberlist,canviewcalendar,canaddevents,canbypasseventmod,canmoderateevents,canviewonline,canviewwolinvis,canviewonlineips,cancp,issupermod,cansearch,canusercp,canuploadavatars,canratemembers,canchangename,canbereported,canchangewebsite,showforumteam,usereputationsystem,cangivereputations,candeletereputations,reputationpower,maxreputationsday,maxreputationsperuser,maxreputationsperthread,candisplaygroup,attachquota,cancustomtitle,canwarnusers,canreceivewarnings,maxwarningsday,canmodcp,showinbirthdaylist,canoverridepm,canusesig,canusesigxposts,signofollow,edittimelimit,maxposts,showmemberlist,canmanageannounce,canmanagemodqueue,canmanagereportedcontent,canviewmodlogs,caneditprofiles,canbanusers,canviewwarnlogs,canuseipsearch) VALUES (2,'Founder','','{username}','',0,'images/star.png',0,'0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','0','0','0','1','1','1','1','','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','0','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','1','1','1','1','1','2','0','0','0','1','0','1','1','1','0','1','1','0','1','0','0','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1')
Please contact the MyBB Group for technical support.
to upgrade your forum version, have you actually executed the upgrade script ?

after the upgrading forum, codes in templates need updating.
upgrading guidance Wrote:Visit your Admin Control Panel, then go to Templates & Style > Templates > Find Updated Templates.
This will show you a list of all the templates that have changed during the upgrade.

You can either revert these templates to their default - meaning all the changes you've made to it will be removed
- or you can see a Diff Report which will show you exactly what's changed. If you have a custom theme installed,
it is probably best that you look at the Diff Report and apply the changes you need.
depends on what you mean with "executing the upgrade script". I downloaded the newest version of MyBB, and followed these directions:
I'm now rerunning the upgrade process again to make sure I did everything correctly.
might this also help the problem with the Go(0)?
if you run upgrade process again then above referred SQL error is expected to fix
provided that
all files of the new version (including files in install folder) are uploaded correctly
and version 1.8.2 is selected as the previous version of your MyBB forum

after upgrading process completes (by the system), codes in templates need manual updating (as quoted above)
I can only select 1.8.11 as the last installed version. What should I do?


Never mind, I read it wrongly

Should I look for the old backup and check the version on a local server?
yes, knowing the earlier version number can be helpful

if you have database backup then datacache table consists of version information
SELECT * FROM `mybb_datacache` WHERE `title` = 'version'

if you have the files backup then ~/inc/class_core.php file consists of version number
repeating the upgrade worked for the groups, but the Go(0) button and the https problem is still there. What should I do next?
^ codes in templates need manual updating (as quoted above [post #2])
And what about the default mybb theme? does that also have to be updated manually?
^ yes, default (stock) theme templates might also need manual updating (depends on changes done in earlier version)
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