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Full Version: [Request] Deleting post time limit
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In admincp in settings admin can set edit post time limit - after specified time users can't edit their created posts. Is it possible to create such function for post deleting?
Yes, and I still use it on my forum! Smile
Works fine! Thanks!
I've used this code modification and it works. I didn't know for sure that it would work in 1.4, but yes it works fine.

I have a slight query though if anyone can help. After I added the deletepostlimit, I also slightly amended the editpostlimit to make sure the error messages looked this same. This worked OK too, but only for the full edit option. If the quick edit option is used, a different message appears. So my question if anyone can help, is where do I set the error message used for quick edit, i.e. when someone tries to quick edit after the edit time limit has passed?

Also, just a minor query, I noticed in the code I added to create a delete time limit that it starts with $time = time(); whereas the already existing edit time limit starts with $time = TIME_NOW;
Does this matter, or should I change them to be the same?