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Full Version: I want to download my forum to my PC to view/browse. Can I do that?
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I have taken ownership of a small forum, and I want to download the entire thing to my PC so that I can view/browse it and mine it for data. I want to know if this is possible.  Huh

I have read that if I install something on my PC, this may be possible, but I am not technically inclined in this area.

I have been paying hosting fees for several years now because I've been putting this task off. I want to pull it offline completely but still be able to view and browse the data. Hosting expires on February 14th. I have until then to figure this out.

The board is no longer active.

If this is not possible, I have other things can look into (namely transfer it to a cheaper host), but I want to know if this is possible first.

Here are some stats that might be useful in determining if this is possible:

My BB and server statistics:
My BB version: 1.6.9
PHP version: 5.2.17
SQL Engine: My SQLi 5.5.51

Forum statistics:
Threads: 825
Posts: 38,797
55 registered users
149 attachments
20.8 mb used

And here are some stats from my web host:
files in home directory: 3,131.48 mb
Files in hidden directories: 4.57 mb
_mmServerScripts/: 0.02 mb
cache/: 0.20 mb
etc/: 0.07 mb
mail/: 186.61 mb
php/: 0.24 mb
public_ftp/: 0.01 mb
public_html/: 3,303.66 mb
ssl/: 0.02 mb
tmp/: 50.63 mb
MySql: 112.80 mb
all of the other directories have zero.

6,790.31 mb total disk space used.

I would really appreciate any help!!!

Thank you  Blush
replies here can be helpful ..
That's very nice of you but I cannot reply to that thread for some reason.

I have managed to do the following, and now I am stuck.
  1. I have downloaded a backup of my database.
  2. I have installed XAMPP and disabled the User Account Control. (I downloaded this program to a laptop I'm not really using because I'm not skilled in these types of things and installing software that will cause my computer to act as a server plus disabling the User Account Control seems like a security risk therefore I'm isolating it from my regular daily pc) (please let me know if this is an inaccurate assumption)
  3. I executed the xampp-control.exe file to bring up the control panel for XAMPP
  4. I attempted to import my database by going to localhost/phpmyadmin
Upon doing this, I got a message that said "You probably tried to upload a file that is too large. Please refer to documentation for a workaround to this limit".
I tried it with the partial import checkbox both checked and unchecked. It said the same thing both times.

The above mentioned documentation said that I should first try to upgrade my PHPMyAdmin to the latest version because "the import engine has been re-written and these problems should not occur".

I am not sure what "upgrade my PHPMyAdmin to the latest version" means.

In my "Admin.CP.Pro" (the control panel within my forum), it says:
You are currently running MyBB 1.6.9 whilst the latest generally available release is MyBB [b]1.6.12(1612).[/b]

I'm not sure if this is the type of upgrade it's talking about. Can someone tell me?

Help please?