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Full Version: EC - Mention User, ' and others do not tag
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^ Plugin


What needs to be edited/fixed here to make it where things like ' in names will still allow the name to be tagged?

For example: OidĂș has odd characters and still tags BUT D'mitri or Tai'ath will not tag properly.


I did notice this area of the plugin, "if the last character is non-word ie punctuation of some sort" I think this may be an issue. As ' can be registered as a non-word/punctuation....
	        if(preg_match('/\W/', substr($message, -1))) //if the last character is non-word ie punctuation of some sort
	           $search2 = substr($message, 1, (strlen($message) - 2)); //get between @ and last char
	           $search2 = $db->escape_string($search2);
	        } else {
	           $search2 = "";
Friendly bump....