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Full Version: Flatty Theme | Images in Profile Tabs
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Hello everyone!

Thanks for your time. I'm having an issue where the [ img ] [ /img ] code is not working on the account-profile view.

You can see an example here: Link - click on the second tab, "B'jin's Profile".

You will notice that the image isn't appearing, and is instead coming up as: [Image:]

Some screen shots;

This is the settings for that particular custom profile field.
[Image: e114ea1afbeea9b43eed2da66ab0db1a.png]

This is how it is parsing. 
[Image: 8a583b6e7bad0519fbb22b5022c7f7da.png]

The images show up when viewed in the default layout - for some reason they just aren't working on the Flatty theme, and I am unsure where to go or how to fix this

Any help would be spectacular!

Thank you!
The reason is you re trying to edit the template and add a BBCode variable in the temple. Remove the [img][/img] in Flatty templates and add
<img src="PROFILEFIELD" alt="Profile field" />

Thanks for your reply, but I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about? What template? Where? >,< sorry...

At any rate, if I understand correctly, doing that won't work at all?

The profile is all pasted in ONE custom profile field. It's not a heap of fields coded to work together.
the 'tab-2' is all 'fid52' - I've posted the member_profile code below so that you can see.

I do not want to enable HTML to work in this profile field.

<title>{$mybb->settings['bbname']} - {$lang->profile}</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$mybb->asset_url}/jscripts/report.js?ver=1804"></script>
<div class="profcontainer">
	<div class="left-sidebar">
		<div class="sidebar-container">
					<div class="sidebar-container">
						<span class="author_name"><p align="center">{$formattedname}</span></p>
				<div class="ava-hs" align="center">
			<div class="sidebar-inner">
				<span class="float_left clr_drk">{$lang->joined}</span>
				<span class="float_right">{$memregdate}</span><br />
				<span class="float_left clr_drk">Posts:</span>
				<span class="float_right">{$memprofile['postnum']}</span><br />
				<span class="float_left clr_drk">Threads:</span>
				<span class="float_right">{$memprofile['threadnum']}</span><br />
				<br />
		<br />

	<div class="tabs-wrap">
		<ul class="tabs">
			<li class="tab-link current" data-tab="tab-1">{$formattedname}'s Stats</li>
			<li class="tab-link" data-tab="tab-2">{$formattedname}'s Profile</li>
			<li class="tab-link" data-tab="tab-3">{$formattedname}'s Pets</li>
			<li class="tab-link" data-tab="tab-4">{$formattedname}'s Links</li>
		<div id="tab-1" class="tab-content current">
			<table width="100%" border="0">
    <td valign="middle" align="center" width="50%">Played By</td>
    <td valign="middle" align="center" width="50%">Face Claim</td>
    <td valign="middle" align="center" width="50%"><?php
echo $parser->parse_message(htmlspecialchars_decode($userfields['fid5']),array('allow_mycode'=>1));
?>	</td>
    <td valign="middle" align="center" width="50%">{$userfields['fid2']}</td>

<br />

<table width="100%" border="0">
    <td valign="middle" align="center" width="25%"><br /><a href="{$userfields['fid50']}" title="Thread Log"><i class="fa fa-bookmark" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><br /><br /></td>
    <td valign="middle" align="center" width="25%"><br /><a href="{$userfields['fid48']}" title="Plotter"><i class="fa fa-flask" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><br /><br /></td>
    <td valign="middle" align="center" width="25%"><br /><a href="{$userfields['fid49']}" title="Diary"><i class="fa fa-book" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><br /><br /></td>
     <td valign="middle" align="right" width="25%" style="padding-right:5px"><strong>Inactivity Preference:</strong><br /> {$userfields['fid6']}</td>

<br />

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="15px">
    <td valign="top" align="left" width="33%"><strong>Age:</strong> {$userfields['fid53']}</td>
    <td width="33%" rowspan="5" align="left" valign="top"><strong>Residence:</strong>
        <img src="{$userfields['fid51']}.png" title="{$userfields['fid51']}"/>
      </center>    </td>
    <td valign="top" align="left"><strong>Birthdate:</strong> {$userfields['fid10']}</td>
    <td valign="top" align="left" width="33%"><strong>Eyes:</strong> {$userfields['fid23']}</td>
    <td valign="top" align="left"><strong>Height:</strong> {$userfields['fid24']}</td>
    <td valign="top" align="left" width="33%"><strong>Rank:</strong> {$userfields['fid14']}</td>
			<br />
<table width="100%" border="0">
    <td valign="middle" align="center" width="50%">
		<div id="tab-2" class="tab-content">

echo $parser->parse_message(htmlspecialchars_decode($userfields['fid52']),array('allow_mycode'=>1));

		<div id="tab-3" class="tab-content">
echo $parser->parse_message(htmlspecialchars_decode($userfields['fid54']),array('allow_mycode'=>1));
			<br /></div>
		<div id="tab-4" class="tab-content">
			<br />
				<div class="profile-ctbox">
					<span>{$lang->postbit_status}</span><br />
					<span class="clr_gry">{$online_status}<br /><strong>{$lang->mood}:</strong> {$mood}</span><br />
				<div class="profile-ctbox">
					<span>{$lang->lastvisit}</span><br />
					<span class="clr_gry">{$memlastvisitdate}</span>
				<div class="profile-ctbox">
					<span>{$lang->timeonline}</span><br />
					<span class="clr_lgr">{$timeonline}</span>
							<div class="profile-ctbox">
				<span>{$lang->total_posts}</span><br />
				<span class="clr_lgr">{$memprofile['postnum']} ({$lang->ppd_percent_total}){$findposts}</span>
			<div class="profile-ctbox">
				<span>{$lang->total_threads}</span><br />
				<span class="clr_lgr">{$memprofile['threadnum']} ({$lang->tpd_percent_total}){$findthreads}</span>
	<br />
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	$('ul.tabs li').click(function(){
		var tab_id = $(this).attr('data-tab');
		$('ul.tabs li').removeClass('current');

This is what is inserted into the profile field;
[style]@import url('|Bilbo+Swash+Caps|Fondamento|Indie+Flower');.ProfileOutside {width: 630px; height: auto; padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #F6E39E; border-radius: 50px 50px; line-height: 160%; color: #F6E39E; font-family: calibri; font-size: 15px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; background-image: url(""); background-repeat: repeat;}.ProfileInside {width: 610px; padding: 5px; height: auto; border: 5px solid #F6E39E; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; background-color: rgba(39,49,41, .9); border-radius: 50px 50px;}.ProfileName {font-family: 'Fondamento', cursive; padding: 5px; font-size: 40px; color: inherit; margin:auto;}.ProfileRank {font-family: Arial; font-size: 25px; padding: 10px 0px 10px 0px; text-align: center;}.ProfileTitle {font-family: 'Bilbo Swash Caps', cursive; font-size: 35px; color: #273129; text-align: center; background-color:#F6E39E; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px; padding:1px; padding: 0px 20px 0px 0px;}.ProfileJusitfy {font-family: Arial; font-size: 15px; padding: 0px 20px 0px 0px; text-align: justify; min-height: 350px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden;}.ProfileImage{margin-left: auto; margin-right:auto; width:400px;}.ProfilePrompt1 {font-family: font-family: 'Bellefair', serif; font-size: 17px; color: #D83621; text-align: center; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px; padding:1px;}.ProfileEducation {font-family: Arial; font-size: 15px; padding: 0px 20px 0px 0px; text-align: justify; min-height: 150px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden;}.ProfilePrompt2 {font-family: font-family: 'Indie Flower', cursive; font-style: italic; font-size: 17px; color: #009F91; text-align: center; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px; padding:1px;}.leftimage{float:left;padding:10px;margin:5px 10px 30px;width:350px;border:1px solid #F6E39E}.rightimage{float:right;padding:10px;margin:5px 10px 30px;width:350px;border:1px solid #F6E39E}.ProfileJusitfy::-webkit-scrollbar, .ProfileJusitfy::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 3px; background-color: #F6E39E; border: 1px solid #F6E39E}.ProfileJusitfy::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, .ProfileJusitfy::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: #D83621; }.ProfilePlayer::-webkit-scrollbar, .ProfilePlayer::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 3px; background-color: #F6E39E; border: 1px solid #F6E39E}.ProfilePlayer::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, .ProfilePlayer::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: #D83621; }.ProfileEducation::-webkit-scrollbar, .ProfileEducation::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 3px; background-color: #F6E39E; border: 1px solid #F6E39E}.ProfileEducation::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, .ProfileEducation::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: #D83621; }[/style]

[div class="ProfileOutside"][div class="ProfileInside"]  
[div class="ProfileName" align="center"]B'jin of green Larrikith[/div]
[div class="ProfileRank" align="center"]Weyrmaster[/div]
[div class="ProfileImage" align="center"][img][/img]
[i]Ronan Keating[/i][/div]
   [div class="ProfileTitle"]Important Details[/div]
   [div class="ProfileJusitfy"]
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Original Name:[/span] Benjinamor
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Pronounced:[/span] BEN-gin-ah-more
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Honorific:[/span] B'jin
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Pronounced:[/span] BH-gin
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Nicknames:[/span] Jinny

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Dragon Name:[/span] Larrikith
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Dragon Name:[/span] lah-REE-kith
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Dragon Colour:[/span] Green
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Wing Assigned:[/span] N/A
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Wing Rank:[/span] N/A

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Primary Rank:[/span] Weyrmaster
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Secondary Ranks:[/span] Journeyman Harper

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Place of Birth:[/span] Subhold of Lemos Hold
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Date of Birth:[/span] 23.06.683 AL
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Searched By:[/span] N/A - Stands Impression
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Searched Date:[/span] N/A
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Impression Age:[/span] 20; 13.02.704 AL
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Physical Age:[/span] 40

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Exiled With:[/span] @"N'mall" of brown Kalirohth

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Partner:[/span] @"R'nd" of blue Ayyonth
   [div class="ProfileTitle"]Appearance[/div]
   [div class="ProfileJusitfy"]
[div class="leftimage"]
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Eyes:[/span] Wide, soulful and incapable of hiding his true emotions, B’jin’s eyes are literally windows into his innermost thoughts. Deep, chocolate brown they are warm and emotionional, filled with everything from joy to terror. They are surrounded by unabashed smile lines, indicating a preference for laughter and joy, though shadows that linger within hint at a haunted past. His eyelashes are thick, long, and such a pale blonde that they are almost invisible unless one is right in B’jin’s face. Eyebrows are expressive, and a darker blonde than his hair, they are active in their expression of B’jin’s moods and thoughts.

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Hair:[/span] Contrary to his younger days when his hair would be kept long, B’jin now prefers to keep it short cropped, perhaps long enough to run fingers through. His hair is a dark honeyed blonde, with bleached highlights from the summer sun. Silver hair is coming through at B’jin’s temples, though the lighter colour of his hair overall tends to blend it and keep most from noticing.

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Height:[/span] 5'9; sturdy.

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]General Appearance:[/span] While B’jin has a naturally solid build, which could easily become toned to make himself look stronger and more intimidating than he is, B’jin is not particularly inclined to excessive exercise, for enjoyment or otherwise. As a result, the greenrider has a slim but soft body with no excess of muscle mass. He is as fit as he needs to be, to live the life of a dragonrider, and not a bit more. 

B’jin’s face is open and honest, with large emotional eyes and a wide, cheerful smile that is filled with straight white teeth. His forehead is high and wide almost never hidden under hair that is kept short or swept back. Shaving regularly and with great dedication, B’jin’s face is very rarely home to more than a five o’clock shadow – one that is showing an increasing amount of grey as the greenrider leaves behind the prime of his life.

B’in is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to appearances; when he is comfortable in his own skin and the situation, the greenrider carries himself with his shoulders back and his chin up, demanding an air of superiority that isn’t often seen in greenriders, but is brought about mostly by his role as Weyrlingmaster, or his deep pride in being a Haprer. On the flip side of the coin, if B’jin is not comfortable, he tends to shrink in on himself, bringing his shoulders up around his neck and actively attempting to make himself appear small and unintimidating or unimportant enough to avoid attention.

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Dressing Style:[/span] Incredibly conservative and deeply modest, B’jin is most often found dressed in a pair of tidy, well made, and obviously well cared for slacks and a long sleeved shirt. His pants are usually coloured a dark shade of blue, dark grey, or plain black while his shirts tend to be a spotless white. They are accompanied by thick soled riding boots. The overall style of his outfit is mostly changed by the flowing fashion his shirts are designed to follow, though he refrains from decretive stitching and colours when possible, feeling that his rider knots are all the decoration he needs. In warm weather, the neckline of his shirt is often loosely laced, while cooler weather will see a pant-matching vest breaking up the stark white of his shirt.

B’jin keeps a pristine set of his old Harper outfit carefully cared for and maintained in one of his trunks, though he has long since outgrown the outfit he wore in his late teens. Additionally, he now has several sets of dragonrider leathers that he finally takes pride in wearing, notably since he has become a public figure as a Weyrlingmaster and responsible for the Hold bred Candidates – as a Searchrider (albeit a mostly inactive one these days), he is also responsible for creating a cutting image when he goes on Search. Always one to take pride in his appearance, B’jin makes sure his riding clothes are in top condition.

While there was a dry period for the duration of 731 while B’jin’s beloved guitar was at first remaining where he’d left it in the North, and then in the home of bluerider @"I'shan"’s hut until he reclaimed it in the fourth month of 732, it can now be seen regularly hooked once more over either B’jin’s shoulder, or tied carefully on to Larrikith’s riding straps. In any case, it is no longer ever very far from the greenrider and he is more than happy to play it for anyone that asks.
   [div class="ProfileTitle"]Personality[/div]
   [div class="ProfileJusitfy"]
[div class="rightimage"]
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]General Personality:[/span] Usually, B’jin is a bright, charming man with an easy smile, bright eyes, and infectious laughter, all of which are easy to come by and happily shared. A socialite to the highest degree, B’in enjoys spending time with his many acquaintances. The general appearance he displays is of a man who is always happy and both easily entertained and happy [i]to[/i] entertain. Contrary to appearance, B’jin only has a handful of very close friends that he feels he can confide in, and he takes his relationship with each of them very seriously.

Laziness is perhaps one of B’jin’s biggest faults, of he enjoys spending his time relaxing and playing music, or just staring up at the clouds in the sky. While he was an active and dedicated student as a Harper, he never felt as if he were working – the same of which cannot be said for the duties and responsibilities that came with his dragon. Perhaps because of that, he was quick to become a Searchrider, where he could laze off while doing the job expected of him (mostly because Larrikith did the actual work.)

Despite his laziness where dragonriding is concerned, B‘jin has always been a happy teacher, and it didn’t take much to encourage him that teaching Weyrlings was where he should spend his time. Intelligent and patient, B’jin finds it easy to teach even the densest of students having a way with words and a talent for expressing himself that makes explaining things clear and understandable to even the most difficult students. It is with pride that B’jin has seen each of his Weyrling groups find their way to graduation.

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Habits/Mannerisms:[/span] B’jin has a nervous habit of sweeping his fingers back through his hair, though it is something occasionally done in frustration or boredom too. In moments of stress, he is known to close his eyes and pinch the bridge of his nose while breathing deeply, commonly brought about by questions his Candidates or Weyrlings may come up with. Being incredibly conservative, B’jin is never seen without a proper amount of clothing on his body.

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Opinions:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Threadfall Theory:[/span] B’jin honestly believes that Threadfall will return; he also vehemently hopes that he isn’t around to actually fight the threat – he rather enjoys his peaceful life of teaching and eating sweets.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Stealing/Kidnapping:[/span] While B’jin did not agree with the process of stealing – and indeed, went out of his way to get a twisted form of acceptance before he Stole his candidates – the greenrider also believed it was the only way to do it, considering the limitations that were placed on them at the time.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Firelizards:[/span] In the beginning, B’jin was vehemently against the reappearance of the firelizards, to such a degree that he refused to have anything to do with @"R'nd" for an entire weeks after he accidentally Impressed to blue Rell. After a week, B’jin apologised to @"R'nd" and not long after, accidentally Impressed to gold Shimmer when he was trying to get @"R'nd" another firelizard as an apology.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Return North:[/span] The return North filled B’jin with joy, though also apprehension: he was afraid of how the people of Pern would respond to the reappearance of the dragons. He was delighted to reconnect with friends of the past, but utterly heartbroken at how much the passage of time had aged the people he shares years with. The return North also meant that B’jin could once again do traditional Searching, which filled him with pride and joy.

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Likes:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Lavender:[/span] B’jin has always held a special affection for lavender, perhaps most readily because it is a soothing, relaxing medical herb that doesn’t cause his body distress. The scent of lavender almost always lingers around B’jin, as he uses it in Larrikith’s oil and often puts lavender oil on his wrists in the morning. Sprigs of the plant can be found scattered throughout his home, and he has a small garden of them in pots within the dragon portion of Ayyonth’s weyr in R’nd’s rooms.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Art[/span] All forms of artistry are deeply admired by B’jin, most notably when such things are done well; B’jin can be incredibly arrogant and self-righteous about his opinion on art, and being a spectacular artist himself with ink and paper, he is not above telling other’s his opinion on such matters. His opinions on what art is good, and what is not, is incredibly skewed and while he might consider a child’s stick drawing to be a master piece, he will have no issues in telling a Jr. Journeyman they should have studied a different field.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Teaching:[/span] B’jin enjoys teaching, and took a shine to it during the first few turns after Katila was formed. He often took on the younger children, keeping them distracted and educating them at the same time so their parents could focus on other things. While he had never taught prior to that moment, and in fact had spent much time himself as a student prior to the plague, he found it much to his liking and quickly put up his hand to take on Weyrlings when it became apparent that Krypth was going to be a frequent flier. He has, since then, been a Weyrlingmaster and takes a great deal of pride in presenting his Weyrlings for graduation at the end of their fifteen month term.

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Dislikes:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Brown Dragons:[/span] B’jin has a deeply ingrained terror of brownriders, and a deep distrust of them – both ride rand dragon alike – firmly believing there is no such thing as a nice brownpair before, during or after the plague. He believes the evil stems from the dragon, who tarnish their new riders and bring about the absolute worst possible nature in their personality. The only brownrider B’jin will be seen willingly around is @"T'lian", though he has no trust at all for his dragon Khaduceth.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Numbweed:[/span] Intensely allergic to the plant, B’jin is incredibly skittish around numbweed and refuses to visit anywhere it might be found in large quantities, most notably the Healing Hall or anywhere currently brewing the plant into salve. Contact with anything in which the plant is present results in a nasty and vicious outbreak of harsh boils and intense pain. B’jin has been lucky enough not to come into contact with an untreated plant as yet, and is in no hurry to touch the stuff. As a result of his allergy, B’jin has an incredible tolerance to pain beyond most men, having had to go through his life with very little in the way of pain relief.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Blatant Stupidity:[/span] B’jin is a generally fair and patient man, but his patience is tried by blatant stupidity. He doesn’t mind a lack of knowledge, or those that are simple minded. What he can’t stand, and what makes him tick, is stupidity of the sort that makes no sense. When otherwise intelligent people make statements that simply and obviously make no fucking sense despite all evidence that points to the obvious. In such situations, B’jin will turn on a heel and walk away without comment, just to get away from a situation that is prone to make his brain bleed.

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Strengths:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Socialite:[/span] At heart, B’jin is a true socialite; he loves spending time around people – any people – and takes joy in bringing them joy, especially through the means of his voice and guitar. It is hard to make B’jin uncomfortable when out in public, as he is a bit of a chameleon and adjusts himself and his mannerisms to fit those he is socialising with, be them Lord and Lady of the Hold or the lowliest drudge doing their chores. He finds comfort in crowds, as they protect him from the shadows of his past.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Larrikith:[/span] Their time together did not start smoothly, with Larrikith choosing B’jin from the Stands, and – as B’jin saw it – ruining his lifetime ambition to become the Master Harper of Pern. Instead, he became a lowly greenrider with no future and no prospects. It took many years before their bond became something other than the push and pull of two magnets that just wouldn’t connect properly. After the building of Katila, and after leaving N’mall, B’jin found his relationship with his dragon strengthening and building into something that would have shocked their Weyrlingmaster. Now, B’jin shares a solid bond with his dragon, who has always loved him and just needed him to accept that fact.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Strength 3:[/span]

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Flaws:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Alcoholic:[/span] B’jin is a closeted alcoholic, taking too often to drowning both his discomfort and the pain of memories in the booze that is easy to come by, if a bit harsh on the palate.  While B’jin is a cheerful drunk on most occasions, there have been those few times where drinking has only sunk him deeper into the black hole of despair he was trying to escape, making him dour and snide. Mostly, though, a drunk B’jin is a lot of fun for everyone involved as he gets cheeky and upbeat, teasing anyone within range.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Temper:[/span] Though rare to be brought to the surface, B’jin has a terrible temper with a long fuse. It isn’t easy to anger the greenrider, but he does hold a grudge and while some things will be forgotten a moment later, the oddest things will be remembered for turns and turns to come. When angered, B’jin relies on a sharp tongue and a nasty attitude to pitch his battles; he is rarely if ever physical in his outrage towards another person, though he has been known to throw items and punch walls if really pressed.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Flaw 3:[/span]
   [div class="ProfileTitle"]History[/div]
   [div class="ProfileJusitfy"]
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Father:[/span]  Jimandor, 153 AL, deceased
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Rank:[/span] Farm hand
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Mother:[/span] Moraleen, 156 AL, deceased
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Rank:[/span] Kitchen hand

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Siblings:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Lenador:[/span] M, b.23.02.187 AL, d.??? | Sr. Journeyman Vintner specialising in the growth of grapes.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Andeleen:[/span] F, b.16.10.189 AL, d.N/A | Sr. Journeywoman Harper, specialising in script work and record keeping at Telgar Hold.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Moramanda:[/span] F, b.15.09.193 AL, I.12.10.208 AL d.215 AL | rider of green Namdith.
Moramanda's children:
    - Marandia; b.05.07.210, d.215 AL
    - Asrillia; b.15.08.212, d.215 AL
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Past Lovers/Partners:[/span]   
Lady Amarilla, f, of Telgar, 203 AL; a secret affair
@"S'kef", m, of brown Tyrrisath; non-consensual 
@"N'mall", m, 190 AL. On and off from 209 AL to 228 AL; Weyrmate.

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Current Lovers/Partners:[/span] @"R'nd" of blue Ayyonth
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Children:[/span] 
Bendilam, M, 15.11.203 AL, . Born to a Telgar Hold woman during his assignment there.
@"N'mor" [Indamor], M, 19.03.222 AL, son of Isnary of blue Dynith who is deceased.
@"Amorandii", F, 09.11.226 AL, daughter of @"Jayedi" of blue Caymath who is deceased.

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Background Story:[/span]
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]683 & Birth:[/span] Benjinamor is born
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]687 & 5:[/span] Young brother Lenador is born
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]689 & 7:[/span] Younger sister Andeleen is born
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]692 & 10:[/span] Benjonamor was apprenticed to the Harper Hall when he was spotted by a Journeyman at Lemos Hold during a family trip to sell farm produce. Later in the turn, Moramanda was born.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]695 & 12:[/span] Apprenticed to a master in Music, after Benjinamor displays a unique talent for singing; he is also taught how to make and play his own guitar, though his first creation leaves a lot to desire.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]700 & 17:[/span] Walked tables to become a Journeyman
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]701 & 18:[/span] Assigned to his first minor holding
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]702 & 19::[/span] Returns to Harper Hall to update his education before recieving a new assignment
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]703 & 20:[/span] Assigned to Telgar Hold; Late in the year Bendilam is born to a woman that Benjinamor was involved with in a semi-serious manner. Her attempts to marry him were stubbornly refused. He didn't want a wife or a child; he wanted his Mastership. He withdrew firmly and refused to have anything further to do with the pair.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]704 & 21:[/span] Benjinamor was thrilled when he was assigned to accompany the Lord and Lady of Telgar to Telgar Weyr to view a Hatching. They arrived three days before the eggs Hatched, and Benjinamor was assigned to bronwrider @"S'kef", who took the opportunity to assault the arrogant young Harper (A very close, very dark secret). Three days later, Benjinamor's life was further thrown into chaos when he Impressed green Larrikith from the Stands while he was recording the Hatching.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]705 & 22:[/span] Larrikith flew in he rmaiden flight, and was caught by @"S'kef"'s brown Tyrrisath. The result of the flight was incredibly traumatic for Benjinamor, and cemented the young man's opinion that @"S'kef" was an incredibly dangerous man. Benjinamor spent several days in the Healers wing of the Weyr.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]706 & 23:[/span] Graduation rolled around, with Benjimaor scraping through by the skin of his teeth - for all that he was an eager student at the Harper Hall, he was a lousy weyrling. The name B'jin was awarded him by his dragon. Larrikith, unsure why B'jin was so withdrawn, set about exposing him to more people in what would become a habit of never flying the same dragon twice.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]709 & 26:[/span] A casual friendship with a brownrider called @"N'mall", who transfers to Telgar is established. Moramanda is Searched by a blue dragon, much to B'jin's horror, and brought to Telgar Weyr.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]710 & 27::[/span] Moramanda Impresses to green Namdith. B'jin and @"N'mall"'s relationship becomes sexual after a long game of give and take before B'jin relents. Larrikith disproves of the abusive man @"N'mall" turns out to be, but is unable to turn B'jin against him. A fierce rivalry springs up between the green dragon and the brownrider, unbeknown to B'jin.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]712 & 29:[/span] After a lot of badgering, @"N'mall" convinces B'jin to move in with him, much to Larrikith's displeasure, and she takes to being an abrasive bitch to both @"N'mall" and his beast Kalirohth. Unfortunately this only further heightens B’jiin’s dislike for his dragon and he ignores her simply to spite her.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]715 & 32:[/span] The plague strikes, causing B’jin no small amount of distress. While his bond with Larrikith is rocky at best, he is greatly upset by the way dragons seem to be dropping dead at random, watching friends and wingmates lose their dragons. B’jin turns to his Weyrmate @"N'mall" to support him in the time of unknown.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]716 & 33:[/span] The order is finally received to flee South, and B’jin does so with his sister Moramanda and her green Namdith, along with her two daughters and @"N'mall" on his brown Khalirohth. During the flight across the ocean, B’jin is devastated when green Namdith is lost in the waves during a storm, taking his sister and nieces with her. Traumatised, B’jin barely manages to stay sane in his grief as Larrikith struggles to keep flying.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]717 & 34:[/span] B’jin with Larrikith and @"N'mall" with Khalirohth find a small area of land for themselves and set up camp. Their dragons bring in beasts they’ve killed for hide and meat to share with their humans, while also providing protection from the large carnivores of the Southern continent. B’jin’s relationship with Larrikith beings to solidify into something more typical of a dragon and its rider, but he still refuses to leave @"N'mall", especially since it would mean living by himself.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]720 & 37:[/span] Larrikith and Khalirohth are alerted by Nirinath’s call, and the four of them join the other survivors in what will become known as the Katilan boundaries. B’jin is more than slightly alarmed at Nirinath being the only gold to join them, and he is amongst those who are vocal in their desire to return to the North and the lives they once lived.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]721 & 38:[/span] Most of this Turn is spent with @"N'mall" and their dragons building their home together. Larrikith takes to the skies once more, thrilling in the small return to normalcy and is flown by a blue who is ridden by a female rider, resulting in the birth of Indamor early the next Turn.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]722 & 39:[/span] Indamor (@"N'mor") is born, and this time B’jin takes an active interest in the production of his offspring, though he is far from a perfect first time father, B’jin does his best and is confused when @"N'mall" takes the whole thing badly. Larrikith fiercely objects to @"N'mall"’s treatment of B’jin when the greenrider refuses to stop seeing his infant son and the bluerider responsible for birthing him.

Aching to return home to the North, B’jin would have been amongst those that were planning to leave the Weyr, had it not been for @"N'mall" who ‘talked’ B’jin out of it. The event caused Larrikith much distress, though B’jin walked out of the event with little more than hidden bruises.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]723 & 40:[/span] B’jin turns forty, which causes the greenrider some distress. Meanwhile, Larrikith takes to the skies four times a Turn once more in a relatively predictable manner, still refusing to be caught more than once by any given blue, brown or the rare bronze. B’jin is rather amazing there are enough dragons alive for her to be so picky, and grumbles through his flight lust, being quick to leave the room once he gains his own mind again, mostly because @"N'mall" is a jealous lover and Khalirohth has never won a flight of Larrikith’s.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]724 & 41:[/span] The Northerners that made their way to the Southern continent in search of the dragonriders was of great curiosity to B’jin, who went out of his way to find out as much about them as possible before actions were taken to ensure the Northerners would leave the dragonriders alone and without knowledge of their being alive and well enough in the South.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]725 & 42:[/span] B’jin and @"N'mall"’s hut managed to survive the storm, a relief for both riders who were loath to have to rebuild it. B’jin was especially grateful not too much damage was done to his little garden of lavender plants that lived along one wall. Larrikith is once more won by a female bluerider, this one ridden by @"Jayedi", and the woman becomes pregnant. @"N'mall" becomes enraged at the news and another fight is sparked between the pair – @"N'mall" jealous and B’jin confused.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]726 & 43:[/span] Little @"Amorandii" is born to @"Jayedi", and once more B’jin actively seeks to take part in the child’s life, despite @"N'mall"’s objections. When @"Amorandii" is weaned, B’jin takes her into their home as @"Jayedi" had her hands full with other children. @"N'mall" and B’jin have a rather heated fight about the sick brown, and it is further inflamed when @"N'mall" physically prevents B’jin from taking part in the attack on Tsuen’s hut. While it proves to be for the best in the long run, Larrikith is furious as B’jin is hut-bound for a full sevenday to avoid questions about his bruised face
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]727 & 44:[/span] Larrikith flies two days before Nirinath. B’jin is ectatic at the prospect of new dragons. B’jin and Larrikith aren’t part of the Search party, as a result of @"N'mall"’s threatening insistence. The pair mourn the loss of the young Weyrling pair, and much to Larrikith’s disgust and anger, B’jin turns to @"N'mall" once more for approval and reassurance.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]728 & 45:[/span] The shock of losing two more of the Weyrlings affects B’jin quiet deeply. He becomes deeply depressed and withdrawn, spending time only with Larrikith and his two young children (currently 6 and 2). He has another fight with @"N'mall" when he catches the brownrider backhanding little Indamor; B’jin is enraged and breaks it of permanently with @"N'mall" while Larrikith shrieks and rages from outside the hut. @"N'mall" is kicked out and forced to find a new home as the greenrider boasts a momentary spine. Confused at suddenly being alone after so many years of being with the other man, B’jin seeks reassurance and comfort with his friend @"Parella", causing many people to gossip that their relationship is sexual. Whether that is so or not has never been relayed, with both greenriders finding the gossip of great amusement and seeing no need to confirm one way or the other.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]729 & 46:[/span] As the Weyrlings graduate, B’jin bounces back from his depression while Larrikith uses her flights to introduce B’jin to a wider range of sexual partners and the different ways people other than @"N'mall" and "S'kef" enjoy sex, though in the beginning B’jin is extremely uncomfortable and does his best to flee before his partners wake, he slowly grows more comfortable with the freedom being single affords him.

B’jin also uses this Turn to request picking up his previous title of Searchrider once more, and brings in two Candidates over the Turn; though he disagrees with the method of stealing Candidates rather than honouring them with a proper Searching, B’jin does his best to Search out candidates he feels will Impress Gold or Bronze, and only those who seem willing to the prospect of a new life, however vague his means of determining that.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]730 & 47:[/span] B’jin is grounded in the Spring for Stealing Master Healer Talian to be a Candidate. B’jin brought in a total of four candidates over the Turn. Larrikith flew routinely and B’jin lingered on his own terms with the third and fourth flight of the Turn; nothing came of either event, but Larrikith was well pleased with the subtle progress of her rider.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]731 & 48:[/span] Talian’s attempted suicide had a devastating affect both on B’jin, and his dragon Larrikith, as did the way the greenrider was both ignored and avoided as a result of the green dragon’s reaction. The other side of this flip coin, however, allowed B’jin to get to know @"R'nd" better, on an intimate level. Larrikith’s approval of their budding relationship was echoed by @"R'nd"’s blue Ayyonth. 

The beginning of the fifth month, B’jin is publically lashed for insubordination, the first public lashing in the Weyr since the plague.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]732 & 49:[/span] Larrikith trolled the Weyr by staging a Flight over the drunken Weyr, creating the laughable belief that being drunk neutralises Flight Lust, as blue and brown dragons took a merry ‘Chase’.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]733 & 50:[/span] B’jin turned 50 and didn’t cope well with that knowledge. He was also disturbed by the execution of bronzerider @"T'shiro" of bronze Cucluith, for the apparent poisoning of @"D'ren". B’jin doesn’t really believe the bronzerider did it, though he’s never said as much to anyone.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]734 & 51:[/span] B’jin is delighted when his son Impresses to a bronze hatchling, alongside one of @"R'nd"’s boys, especially since B’jin took on the Weyrlingship of the class, and he looked forward to educating the group. He hadn’t taught a class for a couple of Turns, and was looking forward the large class. Unfortunately just hours after the Hatching, the Landslide hit, taking out a good portion of the Weyr and a couple of B’jin’s young students. @"N'mor", in an effort to save B’jin’s beloved guitar, severely breaks his arm and has to have it amputated.
[span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Year & Age:[/span]
   [div class="ProfileTitle"]Education[/div]
   [div class="ProfileEducation"]
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Craft:[/span] Harper
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Specialty:[/span] Voice

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Craft Rank:[/span] Sr. Journeyman
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Date Apprenticed:[/span] 12.10.693 AL, age 10
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Date Tapped:[/span] 15.07.200 AL, age 17

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Education Details:[/span] Benjinamor was first spotted with potential for Harper Craft when a Journeyman saw his artwork at the Gather in Lemos. Intrigued, he quizzed both son and the heavily pregnant mother before paying a small amount of marks to Benjinamor’s mother to take the child with him and back to Harper Hall, where he was instructed in music, notably his voice. 

During the turns when his voice was crackling, Benjinamor went back to his original art, which he hadn’t been trained in during his stay at Harper Hall but he had continued in his spare time. His work was good, and he made a few marks selling portraits at Gathers. Once his voice settled down, he was again taking up singing and guitar.

Benjinamor walked the tables at a young seventeen years, after much hard work and dedication to his craft and his future. Despite his youth at Walking, it took until late in his 18th Turn before Benjinamor was assigned to his first minor Holding; he would spend over a Turn teaching the children of the Holding before being recalled back to the Harper Hall.

His next assignment, and his first major posting, came when he was assigned to the Lord of Telgar to educate his young wife. At a youthful twenty turns of age, and filled with his own self-worth, Benjinamor was unafraid as he fell into a sexual relationship with the Lady of Telgar during his stay there, an event that was broken off only when Benjinamor Impressed to green Larrikith from the Stands. To this day, only @"R'nd" has been made privy to the fact that B’jin and lady Amarilla had more than a teacher-student relationship.

   [div class="ProfileTitle"]Dragon[/div]
   [div class="ProfileJusitfy"]
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Dragon Name:[/span] Larrikith
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Name Pronounced:[/span] lah-REE-kith
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Dragon Colour:[/span] Green
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Wing Assigned:[/span] Weyrlingmaster
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Wing Rank:[/span] N/A

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Hatching Date:[/span] 13.02.704 AL
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Birthing Weyr:[/span] Telgar Weyr
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Home Weyr:[/span] Telgar Weyr
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Clutch Name:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Clutch Mother:[/span] Gold Wenorth
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Clutch Father:[/span] Brown Bamoth
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Appearance:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Length:[/span] 20'
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Height:[/span] 10'
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Wingspan:[/span] 30'
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Scars & Markings:[/span]  If one is to take a close look, Larrikith’s beautiful mossy hide is home to an amazing puzzle of scars. The most notable of these are the healed rips and tears around her wing joints, from rough flights and over excited partners. There are handfuls of them, some as nothing more than pale streaks that disrupt her pretty green hide, others are clearly sizable and hard to miss as products of a very bad flight.
Additionally, Larrikith has spots and patches across her hide, mostly in less noticeable regions such as her joints and under her wings, arms and in out of reach places. These are the results of mistreatment during her early days of life, where her sulky and uninterested rider did a very slap and go job of oiling and bathing his dragon, and spent more time ignoring Larrikith than acknowledging her. Despite the harsh beginning and the obvious when spotted scarring, Larrikith’s hide is smooth and supple. Mostly because B’jin now makes a solid point of oiling those parts of his dragon he betrayed all those years ago.

   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Weyrlinghood:[/span] As a weyrling, Larrikith was a round little dragonet, lingering on the edge of overweight from the constant feeding she was getting and the fact that B’jin never cared enough to make sure his dragonet wasn’t gorging herself. Her hide was a dark olive green with rough patches from a lack of good care, again as a result of B’jin’s lack of interest in the dragonet. She suffered a lot of cracked hide from dry patches that needed more oiling and often had dry hide wisping off her body from a lack of care during bathing. It didn’t seem to matter how much Benjinamor got into trouble, he simply didn’t care for the dragonet.

   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Adulthood:[/span] Larrikith grew into a beautiful little green dragon. Sitting on the small side of twenty-foot, she is well rounded and pudgy from a lifetime habit of gorging herself and a lazy attitude towards work that she picked up from her lifemate. While she still carries the scars from her mistreatment as a Weyrling, Larrikith’s hide of moulted dark forest green and a pale creamy green hide the scars from all but the closest of examinations.
Larrikith’s colouring varies across her body, though her extremities are almost all a uniform dark forest green that fades as it meets up in the centre of her body as a light, creamy green colouration with some few speckles that appear to be pure white.

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Mindvoice:[/span] Larrikith has a sultry, incredibly feminine voice that is in the low registers. While it is possible for excitement to up both pitch and the decibels in which Larrikith is prone to speaking, it rarely happens and even more rarely is heard by anyone but B’jin.

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]General Character Traits:[/span] 

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Habits/Mannerisms:[/span]  Larrikith is a quippy, sarcastic little dragon who takes a great deal of joy in teasing B'jin, whom she loves with an unconditional devotion. Larrikith enjoys flying, with or without her lifemate on board and is often found floating around the skies for no reason other than to enjoy the feeling of the wind beneath her wings. 

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Likes:[/span] 
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Socialising:[/span] Much like her rider, Larrikith deeply enjoys socialising with other dragons, be them smart and witty or dumb as a log of wet wood. She finds all of them to be engaging for different reasons, and while she’s an intelligent beast herself and has a love for intelligent conversation, she is far from a bully and enjoys the company of the more stupid beasts simply because she is free to relax and not worry about how she is perceived when she’s with them.
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Flying:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Intelligent Companions:[/span]

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Dislikes:[/span] 
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Dislike 1:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Dislike 2:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Dislike 3:[/span]

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Strengths:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Sarcasm:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Strength 2:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Strength 3:[/span]

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Flaws:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Flaw 1:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Flaw 2:[/span]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Flaw 3:[/span]

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Hex Codes:[/span] [Larrikith]Larrikith[/Larrikith]
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Font:[/span] #93aa73
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Background:[/span] #111905
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Preview:[/span] [Larrikith]She speaks![/larrikith]

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Infant Image[/span]    
[Image: URL HERE]

[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Adult Image[/span]
   [div class="ProfileTitle"]RP Sample[/div]
   [div class="ProfileJusitfy"]Since mating to Ayyonth, Larrikith had noted a decrease in the number of dragons that gave chase to her; since moving North and everyone splitting up between the Weyrs, the green now found that those that gave chase were fewer than ever before. It wasn’t something that would worry her, when she wasn’t crazy with lust, but in that moment the lack of competitors was a huge insult to the egotistical little dragon. The fact that Ayyonth was at the head of the group and hot on her tail was the only thing soothing Larrikith’s metaphorical feathers.

With oil dripping from his fingertips, B’jin blinked up at R’nd as the bluerider joined him, tilting his head and accepting the kiss that came his way. Oily fingertips travelled up R’nd’s arms and around his neck, the greenrider unaware of the mess he was making as he gave himself up to the lust of his dragon and his love for R’nd; Larrikith’s flights had gone from being something B’jin loathed to something the man found both enjoyable and exciting – especially since he was almost always guaranteed of waking up with R’nd. Occasionally the winner was someone else, such as Valerian or D’hys, but B’jin could cope with those two, when he had to. 

They’d somehow made it back into bed, was B’jin’s first conscious and amused thought, the greenrider squirming slightly as he blinked his eyes open, frowning up at the ceiling before glancing over at R’nd. The bluerider’s hair was slick with oil and B’jin was startled into a soft laugh at the way the well-loved locks were sticking out, all shiny and damp. Reaching out, B’jin ran his fingers through R’nd’s hair, and patted it down slightly, so the bluerider looked less like he’d been struck by lightning. Pulling his weight up so he was resting on an elbow, B’jin smiled sheepishly down at R’nd.

“You look better oiled than Larrikith, love.”

At her name, B’jin felt Larrikith stir contentedly at the edge of his mind, and he encouraged her to go back to sleep, smiling when he felt her agreement as she cuddled closer to Ayyonth with a lick to the blue dragon’s cheek. Turning his attention back to R’nd, B’jin traced his finger from between R’nd’s eyerbows down the slope of his nose, then tapped him playfully on the lips with a gentle flick of his finger. 

“We got oil stains all over the bedding.” B’jin sighed, conveniently ignoring the fact that he was solely responsible for any oil that had made it from the awning to the bedroom; R’nd was as much a victim as the bedding and looked just as much the short comer with his coating of oil. B’jin didn’t think R’dn would mind – not really. He possibly wouldn’t be particularly excited, but the greenrider knew he wouldn’t be scolded for it. At least, not with any heat!

Grinning, and in a much better mood than when he had woken up, B’jin leaned down to give R’nd a light kiss to the lips.
   [div class="ProfileTitle"]The Player[/div]
   [div class="ProfilePlayer"]
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Character Created By:[/span]  @"ThistleProse"
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Dragon Created By:[/span] @"ThistleProse"
   [span class="ProfilePrompt2"]Played By:[/span] @"ThistleProse"
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Preferred Contact:[/span] PM, Cbox, Discord, etc.
[span class="ProfilePrompt1"]Inactivity Preference:[/span] Fade Out NPCs

As you can see below, everything works perfectly within the CPF when on the Default layout;
[Image: 1f4d1bf01ddf12352e45135d26690572.png]
Polite bump! Still looking for help on this <3
I am not sure why it is not working, honestly I always prefer to use html in template and just pass custom profile field variable as specified above post.
1 other thing I will suggest you is to try another theme and see if the profile field is working on it, that will give us more clarity on what the issue might be.

I installed the Theme "Focus - Premium MyBB Theme" and the images show up in that theme... I have a feeling it's probably got something to do with the tabs? I don't know though, because I can't find any other themes with tabs on the account profile page, lol.
Okay, it appears to be this piece of code:
echo $parser->parse_message(htmlspecialchars_decode($userfields['fid52']),array('allow_mycode'=>1));

However, if I take away the code and just put in
		<div id="tab-2" class="tab-content">



All I get is a massive lump of BBC - it works when the code is simply {$profilefields} but as soon as I specify the individual field, it doesn't work;

[Image: 90373abe874b0f4bb813a0ddfd87eb32.png]